The Hunt — A New Logo and Track

2 min readAug 13, 2022


The Hunt has been making leaps and bounds behind the scenes while on this adventure through the rough. We’re on a mission to provide a high-quality project with a high-quality feel.

Saying this, we’d love to finally show the NEW primary logo for The Hunt as a project, with the previous logos being secondary for their relevant areas.
(The Hunters Lodge and The Hunt Idle)

The Hunt’s NEW main logo

This new logo is (currently) our final graphical logo we plan to have design as we start to shift focus onto the game development side of the project along with the The Hunters Lodge. We are really aiming to build a solid feeling and theme for The Hunt and would love to hear any and all community input on what you guys may be looking for!

On top of the release of this logo we’re also releasing our first track in regards to what you will hear in combat within out game. This is one of many to come and we know you’ll all love it just as much as we do!

We’ll give you the run down we gave at the start of the week in regards to the above information:

“This track and all music for The Hunt Idle will be posted to soundcloud, if you’re a couple of updates behind it’ll be worth popping by and checking what’s new.

While we’re still constructing the new website, we’re going to be sharing a sneak peek later in the week to get you all excited for the release. A lot of effort has gone into developing our art style — and as our vision for this project expands in scope, we’ll be making changes and updating all of you along the way.”

There are still so many in-game items to show, tracks to listen to, developments to release and marketing to be done.

We greatly value all our hunters within $HUNT who continuously stick around and support the project. We hope you, the reader, are there to see and be present for next weeks announcements!






LP Lock (1 Year):

