Understanding the fans and haters of brainstormingDoes it work? Does it suck? What is everyone arguing about?Jan 29, 2020Jan 29, 2020
There are 4 types of people who say “I’m not creative”Which is a cop out, so here are 4 things to do if that person is youJan 22, 20201Jan 22, 20201
You can still take control of last year with a Personal Annual ReviewHere’s how to look back, look forward, and make both worthwhileJan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastA non-political post about AOC and brandingand The Idea Enthusiast Weekly, July 17 2019Jul 19, 2019Jul 19, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastWhy We Have Fireworksand The Idea Enthusiast Weekly, July 3 2019Jul 3, 2019Jul 3, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastIt Wasn’t At All Like Pulling Teethand The Idea Enthusiast Weekly, June 26 2019Jun 27, 2019Jun 27, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastShow Don’t Tell Is Always a Good Ideaand The Idea Enthusiast Weekly, June 19 2019Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastThe Second Lives of IdeasFrom The Idea Enthusiast Weekly, June 12 2019Jun 14, 2019Jun 14, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastThe Idea Enthusiast WeeklyBest reads for experiments and creativity, June 5 2019Jun 7, 2019Jun 7, 2019
Published inThe Idea EnthusiastThe Idea Enthusiast Weekly 5.29.19Best reads for experiments and creativity, week of deMay 29 2019May 29, 2019May 29, 2019