Do You Know Your Power Symbols?

Rishi Raj
4 min readSep 28, 2018


With the age of technology and its ubiquitous presence, means of instructions on the devices morphed from the old alphabets to numeral symbols. Symbols have taken over the globe, wherever you look, they are there. We see some primitive symbols daily and ignore the immense amounts of contribution they’ve provided in de-stressing man’s life. The directional representations symbol & signs defining the purpose of various locations and even the emoticons or as contemporarily called, emojis that you use daily are just a few instances from your everyday schedule.

Some Symbol Signs We See Daily

Symbols have eased the representations of highly complex objects and instructions. For instance, consider the mineral water bottles, they have a small strip of transparent polyethylene with branding visuals, price, and other details. If you notice sincerely, you will see a recycle symbol, disposing instructions again in symbols and various government approval marks. Imagine, if instead of symbols entire statements of the particular language’s alphabet was used; it would cover up a lot more space and no one would bother to even take a second look at it.

Aquafina Label | Pic Credits:: Aquafina
Bisleri Label | Pic Credits: Bisleri
Water Bottle With Disposing & Recycle Sign

Every symbol has its genesis in some historical, religious, mathematical or alphabetical tale. It is derived or recreated from the fusion of older symbols or various other visual delineations.

Symbol for 4 Rs: Reduce | Reuse | Recycle | Recover

Use of Electronic & Electrical devices is at its epitome at the moment, and the curve of their future employment also points sharply upward. Yet we seem to disregard the numerous notations and symbols used on these devices. The International Electrotechnical Commission is the key governing and formulating body for these symbols.

Common Electrical & Electronic Symbols

From the era of pushing different buttons for on and off to remotely controlling systems using a singular touch button for both, major evolutions have taken place. This most ordinary power symbol has its roots in the evolution through user interface design based on numeral representation. Described as IEC 60417 standard, these series of symbols have a deeper meaning than you’ve comprehended about them.

Originally, there were two operations: 1 & 0 based on the binary system. 1 meant a complete circuit and a smooth flow of current, whereas 0 meant a break in the circuit. Progressing from numeral notations to graphical signs, these were transformed into a vertical line and hollow circle respectively. By simply superimposing the 1 and 0 graphical indications, the modern-day power symbol was created.

Origin of Standby Symbol (Now, Power Symbol) | Pic Credits: Yahoo!

Another more commonly seen symbol of power is:

This is merely a toggle symbol, representing a low power state or incomplete disconnection from the power supply. It is called the Stand-By symbol. Here we clearly see a break in the circle by a vertical line indicating partial input and partial breaking of the circuit. Considering the application of the symbol, it is indeed accurate in its definition. Whenever we click the button with this symbol on it, we simply abstain the device from using the input power supply and have not actually disconnected the power source. Computers, laptops, and TVs are the most lucid illustrations for the foresaid.

iPhone Switch Off | Pic Credits: Apple Inc.
Power Switch
Laptop Power Button

However, the symbol’s purpose was redefined as a generic “power” indication and a new symbol was created overtaking its basis on December 8, 2004 on a proposal from California Energy Commission & Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers. This new symbol was a waning moon indicating the low power mode or a sleep mode.

All the Five Power Symbols

Today, essentially, we have four primary symbols relating to power. It is truly magnificent contemplating the beautiful journey of such small objects with such substantial motives that we miss out in our lives.

Power Symbol as an exhibit item at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) | Today, it is Considered a major Modern Hieroglyph and is Popular in Pop-Culture

Originally published at on September 28, 2018.



Rishi Raj

A self-proclaimed Myth-Suzerain interested in Physics, Politics, History, Science and decoding the secrets of this Cosmos. Avid Blogger & a Major Bibliomaniac.