Ro Khanna Asks Kennedy’s Running Mate To Drop Out So It Does Not Benefit Trump

1 min readApr 22, 2024


SAN JOSE, CA — Silicon Valley attorney Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., responded publicly to Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) after he publicly urged her withdrawal from the race. Shanahan rebuked Khanna’s plea, branding it as ‘anti-democratic’ in a pointed social media post.
She recalled her previous discussions with Khanna, where he initially endorsed her candidacy, asserting, “In my conversation with Ro he congratulated me on the position and encouraged me to run, stating that every American has the right to run in this country.” She expressed dismay, insinuating that Khanna’s change of heart stemmed from party pressures. “Clearly, Ro has changed his stance based on pressure from the party,” Shanahan wrote. “I hope he understands how anti-democratic it is to ask someone to step down from a race that empowers the American public to make their own decisions.”




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