The craziest journey of our lives

The Indifferent Duck
4 min readMay 4, 2022


Hey dear frens, we have a big announcement today.

It has been a long way since June 2021 when we had the first idea for the Bravo Maker and decided to start with this project. We thought we had something special, and it was.

During the last few months we had one of the best and worst experiences of our lives, at the same time. After we sold out, It was supposed we had to enjoy what we had achieved, but it was the opposite. We felt every day that whatever we did was not enough to move forward. And that pressure from collectors was draining our energy day by day.

We had been working more than 14 hours a day for months, almost no sleeping and no eating. But that was not the problem, we as artists go through that many times in our lives. The really difficult thing was going through that in the middle of a toxic space that seemed to not like anything we did.

From the beginning we wanted to create a brand. Clothing, art books, comics, animated films, video games, toys, and so on. We were very excited about everything we could create.

From the first day we’ve truly believed in the potential of Bravo. The main character and his friends Gigi, Uncle Joe, Rolo, Fluffy, the art, the 90s, the Bravo Maker, the Indifferenteggs, the 222 Eggspecials, the IDs, the infinity of stories we could write about Bravo and his multiple lives, everything! We continue believing that this is an IP with a lot of potential that unfortunately we cannot continue working on anymore.



The space is getting tougher every day and we’ve found ourselves in a situation that we never thought we would be in.

We’ve been involved in NFTs for more than two years and we know the sense of community, discovery and experimentation is not here anymore. And we know this is not just against us, we are seeing this behavior against big projects and their founders too. People just talking sh*t against them and blaming them for their loss.

From the day one after we sold out, we were receiving a lot of pressure in the worst way. We went though those toxic vibes for the last four months, and our bodies and minds are exhausted.

We would say that we did our best, but it was not like that. We wanted to do more, we wanted to give you more, but our bodies and our minds cannot longer.

Everything we had planned was turning off day by day and it’s very frustrating to be a creative person who can’t create. We feel that nothing is enough.

Why we went thought those sh*t over four months?

Because we are artists, we really love this project and we wanted to continue working on it. And of course for the good people in our community, the people who always helped us from day one and believed in the project as much as we did.

But things have changed, and we are not in 2021 anymore when everything was good vibes. Now is tough, with new people entering the game, demanding fast earnings, and blaming everybody. We thought we could continue making what we love to do, but now it’s not about that. The rules have changed, whether we like it or not.

We really appreciate the good people of the community, we spent the last months trying to continue because of you.

But now it’s a matter of deciding between our health or the project. Two of our founders have been on therapy and under medication since the last month, and the rest of the team is going in the same direction if we don’t stop.

We tried to do our best, but our bodies are telling us we have to stop.

What’s the future of the project?

Unfortunately we can’t continue working on it. But we still believe that the Bravo Universe has a lot of potential to continue, so we’ll try our best to find some people / team / company that wants to continue with the project.

We want all the best for Bravo and for the community, together we’ve created an iconic IP and break the standards with the Bravo Maker. Once again, we really love this project and would have liked nothing more than to be able to continue with this ourselves.

Of course it will live forever on the blockchain, but we’d love to see this project succeed outside the web3 too. We want the best for Bravo and the community.

All eggs will continue unhatched for the next three months. If we can’t find a new team at that moment, all eggs will be automatically hatched (on August 4th, 2022) and the collection will be complete. Anyway we hope to find the right people before that deadline, someone with the desire and the potential to take this forward.

As we said before, this has been the craziest time in our lives, with good and bad things.

We really want to thank all the collectors, mods, collaborators, and other projects that believe in Bravo and have been with us all this time. We always wanted the best for the project and we always will.

We hope this space will be a friendly place again as it was a few months ago and everyone can enjoy the art, the communities and the good vibes as before.

We are just real people in a borderline situation where we have to decide between our physical and mental health or continue with something that is good for us and that we are not doing as well as we would like.

We are being as honest as we can and hope you can understand our decision.

Thanks so much for joining us on this crazy journey, we really appreciate it.

And remember Ducks always fly together.

The Indifferent Team.

