2 min readSep 19, 2016


There are many reasons to buy and read an old book and here are the few reasons that does matter and convince you to buy old books instead of new.

  1. Inexpensive

There is a huge market in every Indian city where you can buy any second hand book at cheaper prices. And some online second hand book stores like www.infibooks.com are selling the second hand books at less than 50% of original prices, even more on some selected books.

2. Informative

Every book conveys some message and teaches us a new lesson. In case of used books along with the massage they carry, you get some extra stuff like this.

3. Feel

According to some popular survey, many readers votes for old books and they said that old books are more appealing to read and the more brown the pages,the more valuable it is.

4. Fun or Creative

Some guys don’t like the casual look on anything and they try to be creative. When they feel something is missing they use their creativity.

For example the pic of the bird in “to kill a mockingbird” used to be annoying, so this dude made this.

5. Emotions

While doing some inspection of our book collection, I noticed water drop marks in some pages, I thought it due to rain may be.But when I learn about the book then I understood those were not water drops but they are tears of the previous reader. That book is “The fault in our stars”.you can buy this on www.infibooks.com .

6. Known-path

Ok this one not applicable for fiction readers. While reading some text book or some reference or some motivational books. If I find a book which is underlined, I’ll buy that book with out any second thought. It saves much of my time and instantly grabs my attention to the points I should take care and leave the extra story.

7. Environmental issue

We all aware that how many trees needed be cut to print book of 300 pages. By buying old books, in some way or the other we are saving many trees. And money also paper and you are saving your money also.