The Power of Diversity in a world facing continuous digital transformation.

3 min readSep 4, 2019


Salutations for the connected age, it is no longer about working in isolation because we live in a world that is now transparent and open-sourced, driven by the interdependency of behaviours and interconnectivity of events. Success is no longer dependent on cool technology or venture capital, but on networks that include the people you know and how you work with them. True innovation occurs when information and ideas are shared, not withheld so that challenges can be collectively solved.

The emergence of globalization and digital technology has availed an immense flow of ideas, capital, talent and opportunity, and the ability to tap into this flow has become the key to meaningful productivity, growth and prosperity. The world of diversity has several benefits, it reduces redundancies, sparks fresh thinking, and drives us to ask different questions better questions. It pushes us to challenge our existing mental models, thinks laterally and exponentially, rather than linearly. It calls for a new type of leadership — one that calls for navigating the highs and lows of breaking down walls instead of building them, and focuses on connection and later change.

In a world that functions better with networking principles, knowledge and reciprocity only grow larger as you use them, bringing forth more opportunities for everyone. Creativity begets more creativity, connections beget more connections, success begets more success, and giving begets more giving. The circle is ever revolving. At The Innovation Village, co-innovation through diversity is something we’ve built our organization around. For us, it’s a way of seeing the world, and it starts with helping our members connect the dots and expand their possibilities. We do this by matching businesses, accelerator and meetup programs and by investing in passionate individuals from across industries, geographies and sectors, who put their individual interests and egos aside to come together in a powerful process of synchronous learning and doing. It is precisely this cross-individual collaboration that drives impact on a grander scale than otherwise expected.

This allows individual players to operate at the helm of where the most progressive relationships are born, where information flows free and where people trust one another enough to help one another.

Diversity has overtime proven to be a strong point in the growth of a start-up, company or organization because by inviting people with different work experiences and perspectives to the table, organizations can eliminate these blind spots. How?

By enhancing understanding of how messaging, products, and services are received by people with different points of view. And that’s just one-way diversity builds strength. Diversity fosters innovation and problem-solving by pushing everyone to look at things from different perspectives. It also ensures that organizations are attracting and retaining top talent. There is honestly more to the subject than we can break down here, but regardless take the route of diversity at all times.

Visit us to see how we are using diversity to advance entrepreneurship and technology. Sign up for the Village Tour here.




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