4 lessons from the book “The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery”

The Insider Tales
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2017

Originally published as Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 1943, The Little Prince has become a timeless classic. A little boy departs his home planet on a voyage in which he encounters adults and is intrigued by their ‘strange’ behavior.

LESSON 1: Stop Accumulating For The Sake Of It And Re-Evaluate Your Purpose.

Bob loves learning and so he powers through 50 books in 12 months.He is so satisfied with this achievement and tells all his friends he is excited about all the new knowledge he has gained and can’t wait to finish more books.

Ross also loves learning however he only reads 25 books in the same time it took Bob.Ross carefully chooses each book he reads based on the immediate impact it will have on his life.He spends time rereading parts he doesn’t understand shares with others what he has learned.Researches the author and actually implements the action steps provided in the book.

who’s benefiting the most year?

If you haven’t worked it out already it’s Ross Albert Einstein said knowledge comes from experience information is not knowledge the only source of knowledge is experience.Don’t just think about what you read apply it.

So the first lesson here when pursuing an activity is to stop accumulating for the sake of it and reevaluate your purpose.

LESSON 2:Believe Actions, Not Words.

Imagine you’re hiring someone to write a fiction book and you receive two applications.The first applicant is someone who claims they’ve written countless fiction books and knows how to keep readers interested in their stories.The second applicant makes the same claim but provides links to their work including a sales page that shows twenty thousand sales of the last book they wrote.

Who would you hire?

Your friend Zack wants to take you rock climbing and soothes your anxieties by saying he’s read a ton of books about it.Your friend Tammy wants to take you,Instead however she has a YouTube channel showing her climbing mountains and is part of the local mountain climbing Club.

Who would you go with?

Of course there are other factors to consider such as their personality traits.But more often than not you should trust someone’s actions not words the same applies to your intimate relationships.If your partner continually says they love you after every time they violate one of your relationship rules or boundaries then believe what they do and not what they say.

LESSON 3:Don’t Let Your Environment Control Your Life.

Don’t let your environment control your life.Just because all your friends are going to college it doesn’t mean you should.

Just because the economy is down it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start your own business.

Just because it’s hot outside it doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to go for your daily run.

Just because your friends are drinking it doesn’t mean you should.

Take conscious control of your decisions and cultivate an environment for yourself that will naturally lead you to better decisions.

A great way to take action on this lesson now is to Clean your workspace.Take the time to declutter your desktop.Clear your desk.Tidy your room.Operating in a clean work environment will eliminate distractions and therefore lead to increase productivity.

LESSON 4: Confront Small Problems Before They Get Bigger.

I have a friend Brandon,One time He got a letter in the mail telling him to put in his vote for the state election.He shrugged it off and forgot about it until two months later He got another letter saying He missed the election day and had to pay a fine.If He just filled out the letter and sent it back straight away He would have saved both time and money.

Remember to confront the small problems before they get bigger.

These are the four big lessons that stood out to me in this book.

Quotes from the book

1. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
2. “All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.”
3. “What makes the desert beautiful, said the little prince, is that somewhere it hides a well…”
4. “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
5. “People have forgotten this truth, the fox said. But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”

If you want to read the full book get here

Content gathered from Video

Originally published at The Insider Tales.

