The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge: Discover the Best of Yorkshire on a One-Day Hike — Intent Explorer

intent explorer
5 min readApr 25, 2023


The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a popular hiking route in Northern England that covers a distance of 24.5 miles and involves climbing the three highest peaks in the Yorkshire Dales: Pen-y-ghent (694m), Whernside (736m), and Ingleborough (723m). The route is known for its stunning scenery, including rugged landscapes, picturesque villages, and breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

Start and End Points

The traditional starting point for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is the village of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, which is located in the Ribble Valley in North Yorkshire. This is where most hikers begin their journey, and where you’ll find the trailhead for Pen-y-ghent. The challenge typically starts early in the morning, with many hikers setting off before sunrise.

The end point of the challenge is also in Horton-in-Ribblesdale, where hikers will be welcomed back by cheering crowds and the promise of a well-earned pint at one of the local pubs. Most hikers complete the challenge within 12 hours, although some may take longer depending on their fitness level and experience.

What to Expect

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a strenuous hike that requires a good level of fitness and experience. Hikers can expect to encounter a range of terrain, including steep ascents and descents, rocky paths, and uneven ground. The weather can also be unpredictable, with rain, wind, and fog common in the area.

Despite the challenges, the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a hugely rewarding experience that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. From the summit of each peak, hikers can take in panoramic views of the Yorkshire Dales, including rolling hills, limestone pavements, and meandering rivers.

Sights to See

One of the highlights of the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is the stunning scenery that you’ll encounter along the way. Some of the sights to look out for include:

  • Pen-y-ghent: This is the first peak that hikers will tackle, and offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The summit is marked by a trig point and offers a great photo opportunity.
  • Whernside: The highest peak in Yorkshire, Whernside offers stunning views of the Ribblehead Viaduct and the surrounding countryside. The summit is marked by a large cairn and offers a great spot for a rest.
  • Ingleborough: The final peak of the challenge, Ingleborough is known for its distinctive shape and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The summit is marked by a trig point and a large shelter, which offers some protection from the wind.

In addition to the peaks themselves, hikers will also encounter a range of other sights along the way, including picturesque villages, rolling farmland, and limestone pavements. Look out for the Ribblehead Viaduct, which is an impressive feat of engineering and offers a great photo opportunity.

Tips for Completing the Challenge

If you’re planning to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Train beforehand: The challenge is a strenuous one, so it’s important to build up your fitness beforehand. Make sure you’re comfortable walking long distances and climbing steep hills.
  • Pack appropriately: Make sure you pack appropriate clothing and equipment for the challenge, including good quality hiking boots, waterproofs, and plenty of food and water.
  • Pace yourself: The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a long and demanding hike, so it’s important to pace yourself and take regular breaks to rest and refuel. Don’t be tempted to rush ahead and try to complete the challenge too quickly — take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way.
  • Follow the trail markers: The route is well signposted with trail markers, so make sure you follow them to avoid getting lost. It’s also a good idea to bring a map and compass as a backup.
  • Respect the environment: The Yorkshire Dales is a beautiful and fragile environment, so it’s important to respect it and leave no trace of your visit. Make sure you take all your rubbish with you, and stick to the designated paths to avoid damaging the fragile ecosystem.


The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a challenging but rewarding hike that offers stunning views of the Yorkshire Dales. With careful planning and preparation, hikers can tackle the challenge and complete it within a day. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a beginner looking for a new challenge, the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a great choice that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

  • Experienced hikers: Experienced hikers who are comfortable walking long distances and climbing steep hills can expect to complete the challenge in around 9–10 hours.
  • Intermediate hikers: Intermediate hikers who have some experience of hiking and are reasonably fit can expect to complete the challenge in around 11–12 hours.
  • Beginner hikers: Beginner hikers who are new to hiking or have limited experience can expect to complete the challenge in around 12–14 hours.

Originally published at on April 25, 2023.

