The International Radar
The International Radar

The International Radar is a blog, project, open agora (whichever name you prefer to call it) born in Barcelona with the aim of providing some shine to the dark-complex-ambiguous world we find ourselves in. It does not pretend to provide the ultimate view about global affairs, but to offer the fresh perspective that only a group of young, idealistic and motivated people who has just joined this field can have. We believe in genuine ideas, positive energy and constructive debate. The world is changing and we want to be part of that change. This is why we decided to keep investigating and learning about topics that matter to us, and that should matter to you too. We are strong supporters of the idea that sharing is caring, so feel completely free to comment and discuss the issues that we bring up here. It is, indeed, the main purpose of the blog, to provide an open space in which the ideas for tomorrow can start to be created. Because always keep in mind that the important thing is not what we have done, but everything we are willing to do.