Jamison Perspective
3 min readJan 26, 2018

Turning 40 and not looking back…

Look forward not back

This week I hit a huge or at least what the world deems to be a milestone in my life. I turned the big 40. When I was a child 40 seemed really old to me probably like most kids. It seemed like a lifetime away. On the contrary, 40 snuck up on me like a stealth fighter jet ready to conquer the enemy in battle. I thought I would be doing so many different things at this stage in my life. I imagined being married with children and a nice house with that all popular white picket fence and the sweet little dog. When I review my life however, I did accomplish some of those things they just didn’t turn out how I imagined. I was married at 20 and divorced at 23. I bought a home on my own only to lose it in foreclosure due to the 2008 recession. I have a cute little do, but she doesn’t get nearly as much attention and love as she deserves, now my children on the other hand. I had two children while I was a teenager and they are doing exceptionally well, with one who finished school and is working in his field and another who is currently in her second year of college excelling at everything she puts her hands to. Well and then there is my 5 year old who was a wrench in the plans. He’s so adorable and sweet and smart, and a ball full of energy, yeah that’s right, all the energy he took from me when I carried him for 9 months. Its amazing how things change and you often end up wondering how you got to where you are from where you were. What I have realized is it all boils down to one thing, Purpose. I never purposed many things in my life and therefore I kind of just sat back and let life make the decisions for me. I mean I purposed to finish my degree and move up in the company’s I worked for, but I didn’t purpose to have a plan and stay on plan. Now that I am 40 and in the months coming up to that big day, I purposed to do several things. 1. Start a business. I knew that the only way to live the life I deserve and do the things I desired to do was I had to work for me and create multiple streams of income. 2. I purposed to be happy. On my birthday I got engaged after a 10 year on and off relationship with the father of my youngest child. We love each other very much and we made things way harder than they needed to be. Once I purposed to be happy and not let little things distract me from my big thoughts and dreams, those dreams became reality. There are so many things that I want to accomplish and I feel like I’m behind the 8 ball, but I know that I am right where I need to be. I am 40 and there is no turning back on all the mistakes and bad decisions or good decisions. Its just a mindset that says, you are in control of your life and you have to purpose to make the things you want happen in your life. If not now then when, and if not me then who. The time is now and the person is me! Turning 40 and not looking back has empowered me to see positive things in my future. I wish the same for you!

Jamison Perspective

Juanita is a mother, motivational activist, upcoming author, as well as a Therapist innately and by education. She is inspired by promoting authenticity in all.