Red Hair and Green Eyes

Jasmine Alexander
3 min readFeb 21, 2022

Are not Irish traits

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

So I’m going to go right into the teeth of this falsehood that’s been oddly ingrained into society, and that’s: red hair, green eyes, fair skin and freckles are not Irish traits! Factually, there are more red-heads in England than there are in Ireland!

So how did this come about? Well, remember the Vikings, right? And no, “Vikings” wasn’t just an all encompassing word, either: we had the Danish Vikings, the Norwegian Vikings, and lastly the Swedish Vikings. The Nordic peoples are actually from the Germanic tribes (the same ones that whooped the Roman Empire’s a**), and why a lot of their languages share similarities, or why a few of them can understand one another. In other words, it is not a Romance language family, but Germanic.

I digress. So the Vikings, awesome; why are they important to this article again? Well, remember when Vikings would go a-viking? And plunder, raid, rape and pillage? Well, what do you think happened to those women who were forced sexually? They had babies! And those babies in turn continued their regional traits into generations to come.

Honestly, there are a lot of Russians that have red hair, fair skin, green eyes, and freckles — Russians. And they came from the tribe Rusnak, originating from what it now Mongolia — in other words, not the “Irish trait” breeding stock.



Jasmine Alexander

Actress | Author | Copywriter | Filmmaker | Renaissance Artist | Rumbler | Social Media Influencer —