Small Words

Jasmine Alexander
4 min readOct 17, 2021

What you think you know

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Alright, so in my original writing article I mentioned how important it is to look up and clear words — including those that you are, and what you are doing (author, writing). In this article I’m going to go over again how vitally important it is to look up your words — including their derivations — but also not just any word. In particular, small words.

These include ones like, but not limited to: to, for, until, go, like, it, was, is, if, from, etc., etc. Even etc. is shortened from “et cetera,” which is Latin for “a number of other things or persons unspecified.” It’s derivation is: first recorded in 1375–1425. (Oh my god, my sister knew someone who literally said “vice versa” in place of “et cetera” because she had a misunderstood word! [vice versa “in reverse order from the way something has been stated; the other way around,” first recorded in 1595–1605 from Latin, equivalent to vice “interchange, alternation” + versā, ablative singular feminine of versus, past participle of vertere “to turn”])

Word of caution: because so many people think they know, or assume they know, what these little words mean, you’re going to have to get past your own glibness/know-best attitude/chip on your shoulder and admit you need to really understand these words — because chances are, you may or my not have all of the definitions, or in the case of the gal my sister knew, the wrong definitions! Additionally, these little words can have a sh*tton of definitions! Do not be discouraged: there is absolutely no limit to the amount of knowledge you can gain. And honestly the more you know, the better writer you will become! And on top of that, read not only their derivations, but any information on the word. That includes things like “usage notes,” “idioms,” “slang,” “synonym studies” and for God’s sake make multiple sentences while clearing each word so you can get a full, conceptual understanding of the word! Just reading it is not good enough, you actually have to clear each definition. (How I’m telling you to look up words is not my own creation, nor will you be taught it in any class, school, college or university. This revolutionary technology on study was founded by L. Ron Hubbard, humanitarian and founder of The Church of Scientology, and there you can actually take a course to learn how to do this even better! I took it, and that’s how I’m able to tell you about it! Hands down, this course changed my life because I can now learn anything — and made me an even better writer!)

Now, this may seem like a lot of work, but if you cheat yourself, you’re cheating your writing career. And though you may think no one cares about this sort of stuff anymore — man, are you dead wrong. Now more than ever, with people having false bravery and big-mouths due to hiding behind keyboards and monitors, every-day people are ruthless. Even people you thought were cool will show their true nature because they have this “you can’t get me” attitude as they hide behind their screens. To your face they may or may not say a damn thing, but wait until they can leave a review somewhere, or comment, etc., they are going to stab you in the back and call you out on how “dumb” you are. Real wholesome stuff, am I right? Hell no. The dawn of social media has been a plague, honestly, because it gives people this false sense of security to be complete and utter d*ckheads, f***tards and c*nts — yes, I said the “c” word. I’m a chick, so don’t get your knickers in a twist over it. But see what I mean? Just reading words these days, people get “triggered” and feel they now have the right to tear you asunder because they’re not taught that this world is a tough place and there will be things they do not like, so toughen up. Nope. They’re being taught the exact opposite — to be soft. But what’s so f***ed up about that scenario, is though they are trying to soften the world, they are some of the nastiest people hidden behind screens!

So yes, look up and clear all of your words. That way douches per the above statement can’t rip out your innards and leave them to be eaten by the vultures. I may seem really calloused on this subject, when in actuality, I’m trying to protect you — the writer. Artists are magnets for people like this, and we need to help each other out by having each others’ backs. So that’s why I paint this picture so dramatically because they don’t teach you this stuff when you’re learning to become an artist. And what hurts the most is when these nasty things come from people you least expect it. So create freely, look up all of your words (including those you think you know) and keep a firm constitution when you put your work out into the world. Not everyone is going to like your stuff, and in some cases, you. Matter of fact, some people would rather you weren’t alive — harsh, I know, but that is the truth. So instead of trying to please everyone, just say “f*** it” and make it harder for them to pick you apart — namely, get really good at your craft, so eventually they will leave you alone because they have nothing to attack you on.

Anyway, I hope this helps!



Jasmine Alexander

Actress | Author | Copywriter | Filmmaker | Renaissance Artist | Rumbler | Social Media Influencer —