5 traits to go from Junior Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer

Jenesh Napit
3 min readSep 18, 2023

The difference between a senior and a junior goes beyond years of experience. The way you think and work changes. I’ve narrowed it down to 5 traits, so let’s dive in.

1. Planning before Coding

As a junior, I was always eager to get coding with the first solution that came to mind. Later, I realized that a Senior engineer spends more time planning and analyzing the problem from many angles.

Senior engineers often have much more knowledge and experience, so they can often develop better solutions.

Is there anything a junior can do to compensate for the lack of experience? Yes, they can borrow and capitalize on a Senior’s expertise. Before coding, discussing and reviewing my approach with a Senior has saved me from writing unnecessary code towards the wrong solution.

2. Continuous Learning

Senior Software Engineers understand that technology constantly changes, so they stay updated with the latest tools, languages, and frameworks. There are many ways to learn and be on top of new tech. Some of those ways are reading books, attending conferences, or taking online courses. The key is to invest in growing their knowledge and skills.

