Art Modelling: An Ultimate Guide

Shashank Sharma
3 min readSep 23, 2017


There are so many various ways to become a model, and now more than ever, there is an opportunity for everyone in the modelling industry. One type of modelling that is appropriate for any adult model of any shape or size still tends to be forgotten by many: live art modelling!

Art Modelling

Art modelling implicates posing for an art class and its students, or for a single artist to paint or draw. A live model is an invaluable resource for an artist learning to create portraits, which is a very challenging skill.

Art modelling can be not only an admirable way to get comfortable modelling but also to make money while you work towards your bigger modelling career goals. Art modelling is a choice for confident people who can stand still like a statue in front of a group for a period of time while their form is drawn or painted.

There is a big misunderstanding that art modelling often requires nudity, but by no means does that mean it’s always a requirement! Art modelling is done elegantly, and of course, should not be something you consider if it makes you integrally uncomfortable. There are requirements of many art models that can remain clothed or partially clothed. So if nude art modelling doesn’t sound like something you would love to do, never discount art modelling altogether.

Benefits of Art Modelling

One of the greatest benefits of art modelling doesn’t require any specific type of body shape. They accept all body types and ages.

Art models are crucial elements in art classes where students are learning to draw live figures, but models also gain valuable experience in the process. If you haven’t made it big in the modelling world yet and are looking for ways to make extra money in the meantime, art modelling can be a good choice.

Many art models who work in an art class are paid in per hour basis, and sessions tend to last at least three hours. Poses are detained for about five and twenty minutes, and models are also given small breaks in between. You will be paid more and may be required to pose for longer if you are modelling for a photographer or single artist.

Finding Art Modelling Work

If you feel like art modelling might be a good option for you and you have decided to do it, there are a few different ways to find work. One of the best ways is to often check classified and job boards which are looking for models for local art classes. You can also call local art studios, local colleges, and art schools yourself and inquire about getting hired as an art model if you find it difficult to search the ads.

Ask Yourself

Remember, whenever you are about to accept the offer as an art model, you should ask few important question before you accept it. First, you will require to know whether it is a nude or clothed art modelling gig, as you don’t want to show up to the job and be surprised by the requirements. You should also ask them about how much you will be paid, how long the session will be, and how often you get breaks, how many people are in the class, and which poses will be required of you.

While art modelling likely won’t become a full-time career, it can still be a great part-time job or hobby. You will learn to pose like a professional while also becoming more comfortable modelling in front of people, both of which are important skills more models.

We are from Modelling Agencies Mumbai. If you want to get a kick start for your modelling career then do contact us.

