What Type Of Pictures Should You Submit To The Modeling Agencies?

Shashank Sharma
5 min readDec 7, 2017


Submitted your best pictures to the top modeling agency but haven’t heard from them? Well, there might be chances that they did not find you suitable for modeling. Shocked? Shattered? Anyone will be but before you enter the modeling world, there are a lot of things that you need to consider like which modeling agency you are going to choose? What type of images do you share with the agencies? How much do you spend? etc. But the most important of all is what type of pictures you share with the agencies, as your pictures speak for you and your personality.

In this article, we will guide you with some tips to make sure you get it right the first time and improve your chances of getting signed to an agency and get booked for modeling jobs. And by the end of the article, the fear of rejection would completely disappear.

Simple Snapshots Are Fine

If you are a newbie in the field of modeling then simple snapshots are fine. Yes, you read it right. The modeling agencies do not expect your professional photos if you are a fresher. In fact, it would be great if you do not have any professional photo. Wondering why? Well, there are few modeling agents out there who will always look at you as a blank canvas and how they can mold your “look” into something that they and their clients are looking for.

Keep Makeup to a Minimum

It might be shocking for few of you out there but it is true. Because every modeling agent wants to see the real you and not the person who hides behind the makeup. A less makeup or a natural makeup like a little foundation, concealer, blush, mascara and lip gloss is all you need. The male models do not need any kind of makeup but a little bronzer will do as long as it is unnoticeable.

Keep Clothing Simple and In Good Taste

A simple outfit like denim jeans with a white plain t-shirt is just perfect. The modeling agents consider your looks and body proportions. It is like they consider you more than your clothes. The outfits you should definitely avoid are long dresses, prom dresses, bridal gowns or something that overexposes your body.

One Headshot and One Body Shot Minimum

The minimum amount of pictures you should submit are one headshot and one body shot. It is most preferred that you submit one headshot in which you are smiling and one headshot in which you are not smiling, including your left and right face and body profiles.

Keep Hairstyles Simple

Agents would like to see the length and condition of your hair, so it is recommended that you keep your hairstyle as simple and well-groomed as you can. If you have long and thick hair, take photos of your hair down and also pulled back. Also, make sure that your hair is in good condition and if you wish to get a haircut, try to get it done before taking the pictures. And avoid picture of hairs with extensions or weaves, as they won’t reveal your real hair.

Include a Swimsuit Shot

If you are comfortable wearing and sharing your bikini pictures then, it is always a good idea that you include one of those in the portfolio you are forwarding to the modeling agent. While posing for a bikini picture, see to it that you do all the basic poses or no posing at all as the bikini picture can turn from beautiful to tacky with unfortunate poses.

Never Submit Nude Photos

This is an obvious one on the list but there are chances that some fraud agencies or agents would ask for your nudes. A genuine agency would never ask for nudes, so make sure that you never share your nude pictures with anyone.

Only You in the Photos

While taking the pictures, be sure that you are the only one in the frame. Avoid sending pictures in which you are with your friends drinking at the bar, sitting at the dinner table or partying; leave those types of photos for you and your friends. As the modeling agents just want to see you.

Do Not Wear Fur

Try to avoid the use of fur in your pictures as few agents find the use of fur in the fashion industry offensive. Instead, you can wear a fur coat which defines you as “young and fresh”, which is the look that agents want in their new models.

No Fancy Clothing or Makeup on Kids

The agencies dealing with fashion and e-commerce always wish to see real kids as they do not want to see pageant or beauty competition type children. Kids should always look real, which means no makeup, frilly dresses or hairpieces. Also, food covered faces may seem cute to you but not to the agents.

Include Your Contact Information

You might have sent the pictures to the agents without any contact information and you haven’t heard from the agent. The agent might have really liked your pictures but because of no contact information available, it was unable to contact you. And this is how you lose your big modeling assignment. If you are sending pictures through the post, make sure you include your full name, the city you live in, your email address, and day and evening phone numbers on the back of every photo.

Include Your Stats

“Stats” are your measurements that will help the agent imagine how you look. Women should always mention their age and the measurements of height, bust, waist, and hip. Men should mention their age and the measurement of their height, chest size or jacket size (e.g. 40 Regular), and waist.

These are some tips that will help you when sending out pictures to the agencies. Remember, ‘ the first impression is the last impression’, so make sure that your pictures are great. If you want to know more such tips do visit this blog. Also, do let us know how this article helped you in the comment section below.

