Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Embracing the Power of Positive Self-Reflection

The Ripple Effect of Self-Perception

4 min readAug 3, 2023
Source: Bing AI Image Generator

I’m mixed — my mom is white and my dad is black — and growing up in a town void of diversity made for a tough childhood. I went through the usual stages of life, trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to be. I recall wishing to be someone else because I knew it would make my life easier. How ironic that you never figure it out but get more comfortable with where you are in life. And that comfort, a radical acceptance of sorts, helps you love your life. I couldn’t fathom that approach when I was younger, but reaching the point as an adult is essential.

The saying ‘hindsight is 20/20’ is fitting because in the moment, we often miss critical details. Only when we reflect can we identify things we missed or a different approach we could’ve taken. Sure, other variables — where you grow up, your parents, family, etc. -

contribute to the situation. Make no mistake, poor self-image is not something we’re born with, and it’s developed over time. Getting out of that rut can take years if you don’t act to remedy the situation.

It took becoming a parent to realize how cruel kids can be. Recognizing that helped me develop self-awareness about some of the baggage I was carrying…




Jacked IT Guy, Navy Veteran, Performance coach and writer