Tauk’s 2 minute Dashboard — Recipe

Thejus Krishna
1 min readMay 16, 2022


How to create a UI automation dashboard in less than 2 minutes?


  1. Internet
  2. Pre written Appium/Selenium scripts (Python)
  3. Tauk Project ID (projectid)
  4. Tauk API token and Token ID (tokenid)


  1. Import tauk into your script
from tauk.config import TaukConfig
from tauk.tauk_webdriver import Tauk

2. Initialize tauk in your script before the test class —

Tauk(TaukConfig(api_token = <your_token>, project_id = <your_projectid>))

3. Add the decorator from tauk before each test method which needs to be tracked


4. Register the driver of your appium/selenium script to Tauk



  1. Run your automation test in the same way as before
  2. Login to tauk.com and select your project
  3. Your dashboard is ready and you can see the test result under “test_sample_name” along with the logs, screenshots, fail reports etc.

If you’d like a 2 minute dashboard, sign up here: https://tauk.com/signup

Edited on 8th June 2022: Tauk added more features and some changes in initialising them to plug to the dashboard.

