This Just In… Gary Vaynerchuk Day

The Just Project
7 min readApr 15, 2018


Thanks for tuning in! This week’s post is all about Gary Vee and every bullet is by him. It features: Crush It (book), Being Selfless by Being Selfish (blog), Do What You Love (ted talk) & more again all by Gary Vaynerchuk. Enjoy…

Last week I shared a video by Gary Vaynerchuk and said that I wanted to work for him. This week I am going to share more from Gary, specifically the value that he brings via the content that he shares and a little bit about what I learned from this. I want to work for him because I know what I have gained from watching him through a screen (in the least creepy sense) and I can imagine how good of a teacher he is in real life. I also started blogging and started my graphic design page largely due to Gary, so I want to show my gratitude by helping him if at all possible. And of course, I want to learn as much as I can from him so I can contribute more value to you. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program…

Book: Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk (142 pgs)

Ahh, I wish I read this book when it was first published…

In a rapidly evolving world books quickly go out of date. Fortunately, many of the teachings in this book are still applicable today. It was also really cool to see the predictions Gary made and how they played out.

Anyway, I listened to the audio version of this book; and although I didn’t read the physical copy, I’m going to claim that the audio version is better than the written one. In the audiobook, Gary shares his enthusiasm and passion. He also offers updates and goes off the cuff often as if the audio version is an update and expanded version of the original book.

As someone who is trying to break into the freelance and creative world, this book has a lot of value. I would highly encourage anyone who is trying to do something they are passionate about to read this book.

Blog Post: Being Selfless by Being Selfish by Gary Vaynerchuk (4 mins)

This is the reason that I came to yeshiva; not the article per say, but the ideas in it. I knew I wanted to give back and leave a meaningful impact on the world while being happy. I also knew that I would have to work on myself for an extended period of time to make this happen. At the time of the decision, this seemed like a selfish act. I wasn’t working to pay back my college tuition, I wasn’t doing anything my family was proud of, and I was putting off a promise to live with my friends all because I wanted to have this experience and I thought it would be worth it. Luckily, it has been.

It turns out that being “selfish” was the most important investment I ever made. Now that I have a better understanding of who I am, what my strengths are, and am happier, I can share my growth with the world. Hopefully, this time of selfishness will soon come to an end which will position me to provide more value. Until I inevitably run out of things to give and have to restart this cycle all over again. Probably not in the form of coming to yeshiva, but definitely in the form of a new learning experience whether it be a conference, a retreat, or an internship with the man himself Gary Vee.

Ted Talk: Do What You Love by Gary Vaynerchuk (15 mins 27 secs)

You are in control of your own destiny which means you can be happy. In fact, you should be happy! It’s the most surefire way to guarantee success (that silly word that carries so much weight). Happiness and leaving a legacy (see below) should be the two biggest driving factors in deciding what you do. Then and only then should you consider money. If your choices are: a job that pays $50,000 a year that you are going to be miserable doing, or a job that pays $40,000 a year and you are going to be pumped to go into work every day; promise me you will take the latter.

Alternatively, you can follow your passion. I understand that not everyone has the luxury to drop everything and experiment for two years developing their passion; but Gary brings up a very important point, which is don’t quit your day job. Working after hours on your passion maybe stressful but in time it will give you the ability to be happy doing work you love. You may have to sacrifice a year, or two, or five but the opportunity to be happy is worth any sacrifice.

Bonus: Giving You All The Secrets by Gary Vaynerchuk (1hr 4 mins 23 secs)

Not anymore!

Wow, wow, wow. I love this talk.

There is so much to learn from this talk. To open, Gary goes on a 35-minute rant that starts with gratitude. He even goes the extra step and says why he’s grateful. Then he goes right into why having the right perspective/mindset, being practical, and being yourself are the keys to living a happy and successful life.
He talks about humility, empathy (runner-up for 2017 word of the year), being realistic, and work ethic. He says that success doesn’t happen overnight, that being impatient and materialistic are insecurities and acting on them will keep you broken, that failure will lead to success, and that you have to fight for something to find meaning, purpose, and passion. He also breaks down the majority of the barriers and excuses that are so common today.

The ending is Q & A based, and it’s just as good as the beginning. Gary answers questions about maintaining work/life balance, asking for help, why kindness matters, and how to be fearless. Hint: a lot of the answers are not caring about what others think of you from a business perspective.

Needless to say, this video is jam-packed. Watch it and be prepared for your mind to explode.

Here’s a short version of the video if you’re strapped for time

Quote: “You’re gonna die” — Gary Vaynerchuck

I know we already talked about the power of contemplating your own mortality a few weeks back; but when done properly, I think that this can be very powerful and such a huge motivation that I want to bring it up again. This is also such a legendary clip, it’s impossible not to share it.

This knowledge should set a fire under you, and give you perspective on what really matters in your life. Recently, one of the bullets Tim Ferriss featured on 5-Bullet-Friday was this watch that estimates your life expectancy then ticks down to when your death is projected to occur. Another example is Ryan Holiday, who carry’s around a coin with “Memento Mori” written on it, which he talked about of the #askgaryvee show. Neither of these is my style, but I really vibe with the message; so I am currently working on designing a graphic that I plan to print and frame for myself. Hopefully, I will be able to offer this product soon to anyone that is interested. If you want to see how the final piece turns out, or you are interested in potentially getting one when it does, follow my Instagram page at GittermanGraphics.

Whatever your method of tapping into this motivation is, I hope it reminds you to cherish every moment and make each one count. Use the knowledge that one day you will be gone to leave an impact ASAP and leave a legacy forever. Don’t waste your life, don’t fade away.

What was your favorite bullet in this post? If you had to pick only one bullet to keep in this post what would it be and why and if you had to get rid of one what would it be and why? Send a message or comment below.

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To your growth! Stay curious…

P.S. If you want my notes for the book above, send me an email with the subject “Notes for (insert book name)” and I will happily share.



The Just Project

Just trying to spark curiosity, create a desire for knowledge, and help people actualize their potential! Reach me @