Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living

2 min readJun 25, 2024


Inevitably, life will decide to slam you against the wall and leave you burning in pain. It will wait for you to stand up, until it stupidly decides to do it again. It’s an addiction at this point. Life is addicted to being a bitch, and here we are, addicted to living despite all.

It’s so easy to give up everything. Honestly, I could choose to take the easy way out. But there’s this natural competitiveness and rage in being human, to show life that I didn’t go through the smallest holes for nothing. I didn’t allow life to fuck me up for nothing.

Am I mad for suffering this much? Damn right I am! I am so angry at all the people who turned their back against me. Those who contributed to this bitchiness that life has been giving. Those who laughed while I tended to my aching body. Oh, I am so mad.

But my anger will not take me anywhere. My grudges will only leave me attached to a place where I don’t belong anymore. So, I’ll move forward with the dark clouds following me. I’ll allow the rain, the thunder, even the next big slam to come my way.

At one point in this crazy addiction, life will be pissed off at my resilience. My unbothered nature, allowing it to knock me down while I respawn like nothing happened, will become one of life’s greatest frustrations. You think you can kill me? No. I will bounce back again and again and again.

My power against all these unjust actions comes from taking my life back. You can hurt me all you want but you cannot take what is mine. Life can turn everything around, but in reality, I have all the controls on what comes next.

Living is my way of being a bitch, and it’s unfortunate for life, really. I bet it’s stomping its feet somewhere in the universe.

Why? Because I’m good at it.

