Avengers 7th Infinity Stone — The Ownership Stone!

The King’s Rough Note
4 min readMay 19, 2020

I Hope, you have watched the movie ‘Avengers the Endgame’ which was about the superheroes. Do you remember the Soul Stone and the rule to retrieve that?. Yes, you are right, “A soul for a soul!”. This means Thanos(Thanos is a fictional supervillain appearing in Avengers movies!) has to give his most loved soul to retrieve the soul stone.

The superheroes do not only save the world in movies but also teach us many things in real life. So what’s our lesson from this cut?. You should give(it’s not about the sacrifice!) something from your side if you want something big. It’s like, burying a few seeds for huge harvesting!.

So what will be mapped to this in management rule?.

The Ownership Stone!. And the rule to retrieve that is, “The ownership for an Ownership”.

This means that you have to own something even a small task, but you should have really owning that to achieve something big ownership. If you really looking at the progressive people, you can see that those people will get more and more big ownership not because they wanted it but because they already own something(even smaller) worthy.

So how to build this ownership mindset and what’s stopping us from not taking any ownership. I see these reasons on top of my mind if I think about why people are not taking ownership.

1. Fear of Failure

2. Not my job mindset

3. No interest

4. Not trusting the team and management

Let’s see why you should overcome all these things to have responsible ownership!.

1. Fear of Failure. This is the major reason for many people not to take ownership. You will start thinking that what people will think about me if I failed in this assignment? Or like, how will people treat me if I failed in this ownership?. But actually, you know, failure is the part of any success, not the opposite of success.

Ways to overcome:

  • Take small tasks or assignments and get boosted by the results
  • Read about your own hero’s biography

2. Not my job mindset. This is another major reason for not taking ownership. It’s like a programmatic execution, I’ve not assigned to do this work, so I won’t do.

Ways to overcome:

  • Ownership does not only do things right but also do the right things also. If we start checking that later one in every work will automatically be taken into a good ownership position.
  • Stop asking the “How-to” kind of questions for every other work to the other people instead start finding your own way to do that.

3. No interest. If we have not interested in what we are doing then that’s extremely not good for us and for the company as well. The company can find out the interested people at any time, but for an individual, it’s not easy always to find out the interesting job.

Ways to overcome:

  • Stop complaining about the current work
  • Gradually start your interesting work
  • Gradually come out of the personal reasons which are pulling your focus in the work.

4. Not trusting team and management. This situation will occur whenever the individual and the management are not in sync. The individual will think that he or she is doing a lot of works but management is not listening to them and they will decide not to take any ownership. And sometimes not trusting within the team itself is stopping the individual from not taking ownership.

Ways to overcome:

  • Stop complaining about the team or the management
  • Talk directly to them
  • Yes, it’s true that the appreciation will do wonders in work or ownership but don’t expect from every assignment. If you did a great job, then that will internally boost your confidence level, experience, attitude, visibility and that will bring much more great success in the long run which can’t be compared with that small appreciation.

So overall, how to develop this skill?. Imagine like, you are building a product for a customer and there are two sides of people involved here. One side the product development people(you) and the other side the users of the product. If you just turn around the table and think from the User’s perspective, how you feel or use this particular product when you use, then automatically the ownership habit will get into any work you do.

In a nutshell, keep your own skills growing in any work you do, and that will help you to get the ownership stone one day. If you want to test this ownership stone, take ownership of any work and just snaps your fingers, you can see that half of problems will disappear into dust!.

