A letter from the Founders

2 min readJan 4, 2023


Dear Tribe,

We understand that the past few weeks have been difficult for everyone involved in the project. The experiments we conducted resulted in unexpected dynamics, but we must remember that this is the nature of experimentation and that moving forward requires taking risks.


We value our community and are working hard to change the way they perceive the Knittables. While some criticize us for failing to provide instant value, few seem to understand what we are actually trying to achieve with Knittables.

We will continue to approach these challenges as we have in the past: by pushing forward and showing those who express fear, uncertainty, and doubt that this project is worth being involved in.


We will also work on clearly communicating our values and commitment to the web3 space to new and existing members of the Tribe and are in the process of onboarding new team members to improve our marketing and communication.

While progress may seem to have slowed in recent days, this is due to the restructuring and other work happening behind the scenes. No one has given up, and we will emerge stronger and more determined than ever. The foundations we have laid in the past will serve as the starting point for what we will build in the future.


We do not plan to follow the typical development path of an NFT project by constantly minting new, improved versions of the Knittables. What we have already created is the final stage of an NFT project, and it is time to make our mark on the web3 space.

We will offer our services to other projects in the space, collaborate with partners, bring value to our holders, and expand the reach of the Knittables. We will create a bridge between different worlds and communities, and most importantly, we will push the space forward.

The Knittables warriors represent what each of us stands for and fights for. We are not here to fight others, but rather to fight for our ideas and values. We will do our best to create something of lasting value.

Together as a Tribe, we will succeed! 🧶




A tight-knit Tribe of 10,000 3D-animated NFTs setting a new standard of quality for the Solana blockchain 🧶