Popular MS Excel Shortcuts

The Knowledge Academy
3 min readAug 22, 2023

If you’re an avid user of Microsoft Excel, you know that mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. Excel is a powerful tool used by individuals and businesses alike for data analysis, financial calculations, and more. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular MS Excel shortcuts that can save you time and make your spreadsheet tasks a breeze.

Microsoft Excel is renowned for its versatility in managing and analysing data. Learning and utilising keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your efficiency and streamline your work process.

Getting Started with Shortcuts

Why Use Shortcuts?

Before we dive into the shortcuts themselves, let’s understand why they are essential. Excel shortcuts can:

  • Save Time: They eliminate the need to navigate menus, allowing you to perform tasks faster.
  • Reduce Errors: Shortcuts minimise the chances of selecting the wrong option from a menu.
  • Improve Focus: With shortcuts, you can keep your hands on the keyboard, staying in the flow of your work.

Now, let’s jump into some essential keyboard shortcuts.

Navigating and Selecting Data

  • Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Navigate to the edges of data regions quickly.
  • Shift + Arrow Keys: Select data cells in the direction of the arrow.
  • Ctrl + Space: Select the entire column of the active cell.
  • Shift + Space: Select the entire row of the active cell.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Extend the selection to the last filled cell in a row or column.

Formatting and Editing

  • Ctrl + B/I/U: Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting.
  • Ctrl + Z/Y: Undo/redo actions.
  • Ctrl + C/X/V: Copy, cut, and paste selected cells.
  • F2: Edit the active cell.
  • Ctrl + 1: Open the Format Cells dialog box.

Formula and Function Shortcuts

  • Alt + =: Automatically sum the numbers above.
  • Ctrl + `: Toggle between displaying formulas and values.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Enter an array formula.
  • F4: Repeat the last action with absolute references in a formula.

Data Entry and Management

  • Ctrl +;: Enter the current date in the active cell.
  • Ctrl + Shift +;: Enter the current time in the active cell.
  • Alt + Enter: Start a new line within a cell.
  • Ctrl + D/R: Fill down or right with the content of the selected cell.
  • Ctrl + -: Delete selected rows or columns.

Visualisation and Presentation

  • Alt + F1: Create a chart from the selected data.
  • F11: Create a new chart sheet.
  • Ctrl + 5: Strikethrough selected cell contents.
  • Ctrl + 9: Hide selected rows.
  • Ctrl + 0: Hide selected columns.

Time-Saving Tips

  • Ctrl + F: Open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply or remove filters.
  • Ctrl + Shift + $/%: Apply currency or percentage formatting.
  • Alt + D + F + F: Insert a new worksheet.

Customising Shortcuts

Excel allows you to customise shortcuts according to your preferences. To do this, navigate to “File” > “Options” > “Customise Ribbon” > “Keyboard Shortcuts.”

Advanced Techniques

As you become more proficient with Excel, consider exploring advanced techniques, such as macros and pivot tables, to automate tasks and analyse data more effectively.


Mastering these popular MS Excel shortcuts can significantly enhance your efficiency and make working with spreadsheets a breeze. The time you save can be better spent analysing data and making informed decisions. So, start practicing these shortcuts today and become an Excel power user.



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