Kunal Kashyap
3 min readApr 10, 2024

Bold in Whatsapp: Have you ever thought of Writing Bold Text in WhatsApp? Probably the answer is Yes! I used the same technique to wish my friend a birthday something like that: “Happy Birthday Man” also, you can bold the letters in WhatsApp Status.

How to write bold letters in Whatsapp, it doesn’t need a professional degree. There is just ONE step to do that. Here is how to write bold letters in WhatsApp.

Here’s How to Write Bold Text on Whatsapp

  • Open the Whatsapp Messenger.
  • Open the chat of any person you want to send Bold letters to.
  • Then write the matter, like I’m writing “How’s Josh!” And I will make josh in Bold.
  • Then add a “*” asterisk sign before and after the text without Space like this *Josh*.

And you can use the accept method I described above to write bold, italic, and strikethrough letters in your WhatsApp status.

2nd way to get bold on WhatsApp

  • Open the app “Whatsapp.”
  • Select any person.
  • Enter your message there. In my case, I’m writing “Backdroid is Cool” x).
  • Then long press on the text, and you will get the Option to Bold your letters and Monospace, strikethrough, and Italic.

Surprisingly there are many things to do on WhatsApp. You can do italics, strikethrough, and bold letters.

Here is how you can do italics letters in WhatsApp

  • Open the Whatsapp App.
  • Open the chat of any person you want to send italics letters to.
  • Then write the matter, like I’m writing “Happy Birthday,” And I will make the Birthday in Italics.
  • Then add the “_” underscore sign before and after the text without Space like this “_Happy_ _Birthday_.”

Here is how you can do strikethrough letters on WhatsApp

  • Open the Whatsapp
  • Open the chat of any person whom you want to send Strikethrough letters
  • Then write the matter, like I’m writing “Party,” And I will make the Party in Strikethrough.
  • Then add the “~” tilde sign before and after the text without Space like this “~Party~”.

Using Combination

In fact, you can use the Combination of at-risk, strikethrough, and Italic like this: _*Happy*_ _~Birthday~_ and here are the Results:

Conclusion: Whatsapp bold, italics, strikethrough, monospace letters

So finally, you can write all of these letters like bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace letters in your WhatsApp chats. After several uses, you will become entirely writing this advance (Bold) letter or text in your WhatsApp chats.

Kunal Kashyap

I’m the Founder of Backdroid. Blog to techie and Android enthusiast.