3 min readSep 9, 2021


Non-starchy vegetables are welcomed, sugary fruits to avoid, and bread is never on the menu.

The keto diet is probably the first thing that’s come to mind, if you’re thinking about trying a new diet to shed some pounds. Ever since celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Halle Berry touted the keto diet in years past, the idea of maintaining ketosis has taken over the weight loss space.

The keto diet focuses on maintaining ketosis, a metabolic state that pushes your body to burn fat for daily energy needs rather than glucose obtained from carbohydrates. The keto diet was actually designed for the patients with epilepsy. The keto diet puts the body under ketosis by excluding some significant food groups that you normally interact with every day. Mainly, the items containing sugars and carbohydrates are avoided, as these don’t allow your metabolism to use fat as a primary energy source. The keto diet could result in serious weight loss for those who can stick to the diet’s plan. Sugars and carbohydrates can be found in some pretty nutritious items you’ll have to cut out of your diet entirely.


  • MEATS: Chicken, pork, steak, ground beef, lamb, bacon, turkey, ham, and sausage (restricted amounts).
  • SEAFOOD: Salmon, snapper, tuna, halibut, cod, trout, catfish and scallops.
  • SHELLFISH: Crab, clams, oysters, lobster and mussels.
  • FATS AND OILS: Eggs, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, lard, avocados, avocado oil and mayonnaise.
  • DAIRY (HIGH-FAT): Heavy cream, soft and hard cheeses, cream cheese, and sour cream.
  • SPECIFIC VEGETABLES: Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, green beans, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumber, onion, mushroom, spinach, lettuce, and olives.
  • NUTS: Almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, walnuts, unsweetened nut butters.
  • PARTICULAR BERRIES: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.
  • BEVERAGES: Unsweetened coffee and black tea. Dry wine, champagne, and hard liquor should be enjoyed moderately.
  • SPICES AND SWEETENERS: Stevia and sucralose, once in a while.


  • FRUITS (ALMOST ALL): Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, watermelon, peaches, melon, pineapple, cherries, pears, lemons, limes, grapefruits, plums, mango, and so on.
  • GRAINS: Wheat, rice, rye, oats, corn, quinoa, barley, millet, bulgur, amaranth, buckwheat, and sprouted grains.
  • STARCH: Bread (all of it!), bagels, cereal, pasta, rice, corn, oatmeal, crackers, pizza, popcorn, granola, muesli, flour. There are some work arounds that dieters can still enjoy, like faux tortilla wraps that are made from cheese.
  • LEGUMES: Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans, soybeans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.
  • SWEETENERS AND SUGAR: Cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, Splenda, aspartame, saccharin, and corn syrup. Settle for sugar alternatives, including natural substitutes like this monkfruit sugar replacement.
  • SWEETS: Candy, chocolate, cakes, buns, pastries, tarts, pies, ice cream, cookies, pudding, and custard. Dieters can shop for dessert alternatives like keto-friendly ice cream that won’t impact your blood sugar levels much.
  • COOKING OILS: Canola oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.
  • ALCOHOL: Beer, cider, sweet wines, and sweetened alcoholic drinks.
  • CONDIMENTS (BOTTLED): Ketchup, BBQ sauce, tomato sauce, salad dressings and hot sauces (that contain added sugars).
  • DAIRY (LOW-FAT): Skim milk, skim mozzarella, fat-free yogurt, low-fat cheese and cream cheese should be replaced for higher-fat counterparts.





Homeopath & Certified nutritionist