The Learning Journals Initiative
The Learning Journals Initiative

At Humanity Academy we explore the complexities of being human through various lenses such as communication, relationships, art & writing, Self-awareness, emotions, and overall mental health and well-being.

We offer a suite of Free 5-day Educational Email courses. Our most popular is by far The Learning Journal Crash Course. You can sign up for any of our courses -- no spam, no catch -- just great content.

Lisa and Dr. David Loewen Co-founded Humanity Academy - and The Learning Journal Initiative is connected with this work.

Lisa is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (in British Columbia), and an Equine-Facilitated Wellness Practitioner (nationally) - with a Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies.

She is an integrative therapist who has been in practice since 2013. She specializes in many areas including self-esteem, anxiety, depression, trauma, addictions, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and more.

David has a Doctor of Education with a specialization in Online Distance Education. He has a Master of Interdisciplinary Studies specializing in Adult Education. His doctoral research was based on using Learning Journals for critical self-reflection and professional development.

David has been faculty at several institutions for over a decade and taught in diverse areas including Human Resources, Community Development, Financial Literacy, and Communication. He is part-time faculty at Thompson Rivers University-Open Learning in British Columbia.

Since 2002, he has built digital writing businesses from scratch. You can follow his work at Box Cutter Co. where he publishes free weekly issues -- including The Solopreneur Series. (you don't have to subscribe to check things out - just press "let me read it first" at the Substack pop-up page)

Medium member since December 2023
Friend of Medium since December 2023
The Learning Journals Initiative

The Learning Journals Initiative

Friend of Medium

The art of thoughtful reflection, creative growth, and pursuit of knowledge. A Humanity Academy project