Coronavirus is changing the world. Here’s how it affects the world of law.

Predictions from startups that are re-imagining legal services.

The LegalTech Fund
21 min readMar 31, 2020

The last few weeks have been unprecedented, but equally extraordinary is how quickly teams, law firms, and companies have reorganized to meet the changing environment. At The LegalTech Fund, we speak with founders regularly about the future. Based on recent conversations, we sense that this “new normal” may be an accelerant to the future world that entrepreneurs have been building towards.

People across the industry have been asking for our take on the current state of the world. While we have our opinions, we found that our most interesting dialogues were with entrepreneurs in the space who, day in and day out, are changing the world of law. We are excited to bring you predictions, directly from founders, on coronavirus’ impact on legal services.

This article was inspired by Politico’s piece about the global changes brought about by coronavirus.

The predictions below focus on a number of key areas:

Access to Justice | Adversity Drives Change | Evolving Workplaces |
Focus on Efficiency | Tech Takes Center Stage

Access to Justice

Courts will finally become services, not places.

Ed Walters, CEO of Fastcase

While America shelters in place, there are still very important in-person legal proceedings that can’t wait. Bail hearings, criminal trials, temporary restraining orders, emergency orders and more. As court staff and judges are working from home, many are finding ways to conduct business remotely — through videoconference, e-mail, and even online forms. 2020 will be the year that courts will innovate to serve people at a distance, and lawyers will learn new skills to serve clients remotely in the process.

Distributed justice has great potential for more efficient courts — but it also shows promise for rural communities that simply don’t have courthouses or lawyers. State-level data compiled by the Pew Charitable Trust illustrates a trend that we already know by anecdote: law school graduates cluster to cities, leaving “legal deserts” in many states with few or no lawyers. If lawyers can better represent remote clients, and courts can serve even legal deserts remotely, there will at least be some silver lining to the legal crises arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic will underscore a heightened need for access to justice.

Felicity Conrad, Co-founder and CEO of Paladin

This pandemic has the potential to upend the lives of millions of Americans with significant legal challenges. In addition to being vigilant about health, individuals are being forced to navigate FEMA claims, loss of wages and benefits, an increase in risk for victims of domestic violence, public health risks to incarcerated and detained individuals , and delays in court proceedings. In short, COVID-19 may further widen the already enormous justice gap faced by millions of low-income Americans.

At the same time, there is reason for optimism. During times of crisis, the legal industry typically sees an uptick in pro bono work. For instance, during the 2008 housing crash, American Lawyer found that the two hundred top law firms actually reported an increase in pro bono. With fewer billable hours, lawyers may be freed up to work on more pro bono cases. They will want to feel connected to, and help, their neighbors, as we saw after the immigration ban and DACA termination. Combined with trends toward remote work, which Paladin’s platform supports, we hope this can be an opportunity for lawyers to rally together and provide a much needed safety net for our communities as we all navigate the post-coronavirus world.

2020 will be the year that courts will innovate to serve people at a distance, and lawyers will learn new skills to serve clients remotely. — Ed Walters, Fastcase

The world of law will never be the same.

Yousef Kassim, Co-founder and CEO of Easy Expunctions

Attorneys, judges, court clerks, and their staff are learning a lot about themselves, and their familiarity with technology, during the last few weeks. Our system of justice is foundational to our democracy. While it previously seemed inconceivable to imagine a world where courts are closed and access to justice is severely limited, coronavirus has brought that world about.

Closing or limiting access to courts during this time is the right idea. It should also be an opportunity for legal professionals to permanently incorporate technology into their practices. Concepts that can fast-track justice, such as telephonic hearings and e-filing, should become more commonplace even after the pandemic is over.

The pro-se litigant, already suffering from limited access to justice, has fewer resources than before. We should use this as an opportunity to empathize with pro-se litigants and expand the availability of resources for them, especially tools that can be accessed with mobile phones.

The current state of affairs should not be a surprise to proponents of legal tech, who have witnessed a system seemingly allergic to change. It may have taken a pandemic to awaken our profession to our technological deficiencies, but I see this as an opportunity to leverage technology to fix our legal system’s deficiencies and never look back.

Justice will take place in a virtual courtroom sooner than expected.

Bernard Chao, Co-founder of Hugo Analytics and Professor at University of Denver

It is unclear how long the numerous shelter in place orders around the country will remain in place. But that does not mean that justice needs to take a break too. Already companies like Hugo Analytics are recruiting mock jurors online so that they can provide litigators with important feedback. Importantly, this work can be done from the comfort of everyone’s home.

But this is just the beginning. Mock jurors can be replaced with real jurors. There is no reason that court hearings and trials need to have everyone physically present. Eventually, witnesses, attorneys, the judge and even the jury should be able to convene virtually. This will present both technical and legal challenges. Because jurors are drawn from all parts of society, we need ubiquitous digital access. Remote jurors will have to be able to use video streaming services so that they can see and hear the proceedings. These channels will have to be reliable, secure and private. Eventually, we can imagine justice taking place in a virtual courtroom (i.e. think of Star Trek’s holodeck).

The Sixth Amendment allows criminal defendants the right to confront witnesses. Is this requirement satisfied when the witnesses are hundreds of miles away? To date, the courts have not had to struggle with this question. For good or bad, I suspect that they will bend to the inevitably of technology. Justice was already proceeding down the path of virtual justice before our recent crisis. However, the pandemic will surely force us to quicken the pace.

Adversity Drives Change

Legal processes will become more collaborative.

Richard Mabey, CEO of Juro

There are countless ways in which the world will be permanently changed by this crisis. One of the more positive changes we are starting to see is the amazing and innovative ways businesses have adapted to collaborating remotely. And this applies to legal professionals too. We have seen courts holding hearings via video calls, more and more documents being digitised and in-house legal teams using software more than ever before. The extreme conditions we are in have many downsides, but they are also accelerating innovation. That innovation is deeply human-centric — it’s all about how people can work better together. And after all, human-centricity is what the world needs now more than ever.

Uncertain times will lead organizations to pay more attention to deal data and rights.

Kelsey Chase, Co-founder and President of Aumni

In good times, legal terms are background noise while stakeholders ride the market. In uncertain times, complex legal rights actually matter. In fact, we heard a partner say that they had spent the past week reviewing hundreds of voting provisions and major investor definitions. Automating and analyzing this data is key to assessing investment opportunities and downside risk.

The extreme conditions we are in have many downsides, but they are also accelerating innovation. — Richard Mabey, Juro

Ensuring legal continuity under adverse conditions will be a high priority.

Noory Bechor, CEO of LawGeex

Business continuity planning is an important precaution for companies that need to ensure uninterrupted operations during times of crisis. Lawyers are trained to reduce risk, and it is imperative that legal teams adequately address legal continuity to avoid being the weak link in maintaining business operations. The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the need for legal to prepare for staffing disruptions and sudden impacts to productivity, resulting in lower workload capacity, disruptions to institutional knowledge, and impaired work quality.

Legal technology can help maintain workload capacity and turnaround times. Contract automation systems perform routine tasks such as contract redlining, so that even a diminished team can continue at pre-crisis levels. You can back up important institutional knowledge such as legal policy and contract review guidelines just as you would important documents. Codifying legal policies via systems that build digital playbooks ensures that legal can continue to serve the business even during major disruptions. Moreover, automated playbooks serve as a safety net to augment the legal team’s work during uncertain conditions, for example by reviewing pre-signature contracts to ensure that they contain adequate force majeure language.

We’re living through a trying time, but we can minimize the impact if we behave rationally and take advantage of available tools to maintain productivity. Organizations must live with contracts for years to come, and so it is imperative that legal teams make every effort for legal continuity to prevent current conditions from adversely affecting business outcomes in the long term.

A new wave of legal entrepreneurs will be born

Patrick Rogers, Co-founder and CEO of Clara

COVID-19 has caused mass upheaval across the world. The legal profession has not been spared. This major disruption to working life will afford lawyers a rare opportunity to reexamine their career decisions. Many will conclude that they’re no longer satisfied working in traditional law firm or in-house environments.

These lawyers will start challenging their assumptions about how law is practiced. They will develop bright new ideas to help consumers and providers of legal services alike. Working remotely and using new software tools will give them confidence to take an entrepreneurial leap. And thus, from the ashes of the COVID-19 crisis, a new wave of legal entrepreneurs will be born.

This fresh crop of lawyers-turned-entrepreneurs will partner with seasoned technologists to create exciting new products. Their domain expertise will prove invaluable in driving customer adoption; consumers want to see seasoned lawyers on startups’ founding teams. And their success will inspire law students and younger lawyers to think more expansively about their legal careers.

In parallel, the efforts of these entrepreneurial lawyers will accelerate the debate in regulatory circles around precisely what constitutes legal advice. As software increasingly completes complex tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency than experienced lawyers, law societies and bar associations will have to rethink their roles as guardians of the public interest as it relates to the purchase of legal services.

Evolving Workplaces

Coronavirus will move everyone to the cloud. It’s sayonara to on-premise systems.

Larry Port, Founder and CEO of Rocket Matter

For most Americans, the threat of coronavirus and the corresponding lockdown is the biggest disruption to life they’ve ever known. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for everyone: talk to someone affected by a major weather event or other disaster.

When Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, it destroyed law offices throughout the city. At the same time, new technologies emerged that allowed for cloud-based access to information. Amazon S3, Mozy, and Carbonite ushered in a new era of secure online storage. Online practice management systems, like my own company Rocket Matter, shortly followed, which allowed firms to organize their matters and generate invoices through a browser. Suddenly, you had New Orleans lawyers sensitive to disaster recovery and business continuity in an environment where they could do something about it economically. This heralded the first shift towards a more online, digital law firm. Soon state bars weighed in with ethics opinions on cloud computing and determined that yes, lawyers were free to use these services provided they did their due diligence.

From all market data I’ve seen, it appears to me that we’re still only in the “early majority” stage of cloud technology adoption in law firms. And we’re not even halfway through that stage. Coronavirus is, to use a Star Wars analogy, the jump to hyperspace. This is the event that will force any law firms not adapted to remote, universal work to move to the cloud.

Old, on-premise legal software systems are toast, and their advocates in industry and inside law firms will be marginalized until they accept the new reality. These systems were headed downhill to begin with and coronavirus will hasten their demise. Software will not only be judged on its functionality, but also on its ubiquity. To paraphrase another moment from Star Wars, “the last remnants of the old republic will be swept away.”

Legal teams will get more collaborative with their contracting.

Jason Boehmig, CEO of Ironclad

Legal finds itself facing two significant challenges at once: intense scrutiny of contract obligations, and the need to coordinate complex contract review and negotiation across teams working remotely for the very first time.

Legal teams will recognize that they can no longer manage risk and uncertainty without assessing their contract obligations quickly and accurately. In recent weeks, Ironclad has seen record numbers of Repository usage as legal teams make a concerted effort to understand what’s in their contracts. For example, every company in the world is trying to figure out what force majeure terms are in their contracts and every company is worried about falling behind.

Legal work will require an increasing degree of collaboration and coordination. They will shift away from legacy editing and negotiation tools like email and Word that make knowledge sharing slow and difficult across organizations. General counsel, legal operations and their teams will be looking for ways to keep their contracting process agile and data at their fingertips.

This is the event that will force any law firms not adapted to remote, universal work to move to the cloud. — Larry Port, Rocket Matter

Locking down the house: security will extend into people’s home offices.

Ishan Girdhar, CEO of Privva

How many of you unplugged your Alexa or Google Home while working at home this week? If not, there may be a chance the conversation was recorded. This may violate corporate governance policies if you have not completed a review of Amazon or Google as a third-party vendor (and note, these are tied to personal accounts without oversight by corporates). Will new policies be required that ban client work within earshot of a connected device?

Other non-company owned devices create security risks in the at-home work environment. Employees are likely using an unsecured home network shared by many people such as spouses and roommates as well an array of rarely updated connected devices (e.g. printers), sensitive data may be compromised. Firms may be required to audit and provide a full suite of devices an employee may use to manage their job function. This additional hardware will add significant burden, and risk, to IT and security teams.

Some firms have existing limitations on what functions can be performed remotely; others even restrict remote client access entirely. Yet remote access may be required to remain competitive and get any given job done. The younger workforce is already seeking a more flexible environment and the recent climate has forced firms to immediately consider new structures, policies, security controls, and technologies to facilitate work. We believe that device management, third party risk management, and access control policies will become increasingly important as working from home becomes more common. Along with this, we believe that a more sustainable and productive work environment will emerge.

Simultaneous, real time collaboration is the future of law (and business).

Olga V. Mack, CEO of Parley Pro

The most important influence in any company is its people. Platforms that get people to work together simultaneously (as opposed to sequentially) in real-time, where they can share useful intelligence and unique perspectives that help them build off each other’s work, are helping employees to be productive and effective especially during the time of global epidemic crisis. Simultaneous collaboration allows different stakeholders to be at the same place, at the same time, contributing together. It is here to stay because, among many other benefits, it eliminates duplicative work, leads to huge savings in time and effort, and results in better communication across the enterprise.

For example, two lawyers log onto a platform to negotiate a contract simultaneously and in real-time. All exhibits are accessible through a centralized dashboard. The software records all comments and suggestions, which a third counsel reads as they become available and responds accordingly. All the facts, files, and decision-making processes are in one, easily accessible location.

Ediscovery, case and practice management, time and billing and a plethora of other platforms increasingly support simultaneous collaboration. Many also include AI-enabled analytics tools for tracking and sharing up-to-date data, which is essential for continually evaluating and improving our collaborative strategies. We expect this trend towards live, virtual working sessions with simultaneous collaboration to continue, especially in the contract lifecycle management (CLM).

Focus on Efficiency

Spurred by the current crisis, organizations will become more agile.

Noah Waisberg, Co-founder and CEO of Kira Systems

Mitigating risks associated with the impact of global events, including unforeseen circumstances such as pandemics, requires businesses and lawyers to have the capacity to shift resources quickly and effectively to meet challenges with focus. Part of this is understanding what contracts they have signed and what to expect from contractual obligations, quickly.

For example, the COVID-19 pandemic exposes businesses to global supply chain risks because their suppliers or service providers may invoke force majeure clauses. The fine print that nobody ever thought would be so important is now causing a number of businesses seeking exemptions for non-performance or non-compliance under their contracts.

It takes time to understand the details of business deals, yet businesses don’t have the ability to look closely at as many as 80 percent of their contracts. This was a massive problem even before the outbreak of COVID-19, but it was manageable as long as it was business as usual. That was then. Now, the problem is compounding every day for businesses that are most impacted.

No one knows when this pandemic will ease but what we do know is that for businesses to survive (and thrive), they need to take the necessary steps to become organizationally agile. The opportunity for AI to help with this is massive.

Clients demanding cost predictability and transparency lead to a renewed focus on the value drivers of legal services.

Catherine Krow, Founder of Digitory Legal

As cost pressure mounts, the definition of value in legal services will come into stark focus in all organizations. Law firms will need to collaborate with their clients to understand the real drivers of value, which will differ across geographies, industries and enterprise maturity. To remain profitable and deliver on this refined concept of value, law firms will need a deeper understanding of their own cost data both to drive internal efficiencies and meet client expectations for predictability. Allied business professionals will play a key role in driving value conversations and implementing creative pricing solutions that combine people, technology and process to solve complex problems. Now is the time for collaboration, empathy, and transparency.

Companies will double down on legal operations.

Gabriel Safar, Co-founder and CEO of LeasePilot

Transactional legal services are largely performed in a silo and are only integrated with the rest of an organization’s business in the most cursory way. There has been a trend to move transactional legal services into a new department called “legal operations” which reports to a business executive such as a COO rather than a general counsel. This move allows managers to look holistically at operations and make sure that legal service providers’ incentives and practices are broadly aligned with the organization as a whole. The outcome is a more agile organization that can quickly respond to changing business requirements.

In any environment, agility is a huge competitive advantage, but in light of massive uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic, agility and resilience are essential. I believe the current crisis will shine a spotlight on those organizations that are able to effectively adapt and those that can’t. After the dust settles, legal managers will be thinking long and hard about their role in building a resilient organization and will increasingly choose to adopt the “legal operations” model rather than the more traditional hierarchy of having all legal services reporting to the general counsel.

Legal entrepreneurs will find their footing.

Kevin Miller, CEO of LegalSifter

Downturns always lead to an accelerated adoption of technology. The opportunity cost of deploying people to new tech projects are much lower when sales are down than up. People have the capacity to work on otherwise-stuck change initiatives.

Lawyers do most of their thinking, reading, writing, advocacy, and advising face-to-face in their office or in the courts. While remote work has accelerated in recent years, it’s hardly mainstream. It’s a full-service industry, all the time. In a world that shouts for low-cost, faster, self-service legal services, lawyers have “never had the time” to implement such changes. COVID-19, the longer it goes, will reveal that argument to be the red herring that it is.

The coronavirus recession will embolden legal entrepreneurs. Attorneys itching to try new business models enabled by technology will find themselves in meetings with more open-minded partners and general counsels, desperate to do the same with much less. They will look to accounting, finance, education, and medicine for inspiration. These sister industries have a much longer history of embracing self-service and virtual-service products. Entrepreneurs will mix in AI that does a little thinking, reading, and writing, joining forces with lawyers to achieve breakthrough results in speed, cost, and quality. COVID-19 will give the profession the breathing room it needs to build legal services that allow attorneys to serve clients while they sleep.

“The coronavirus recession will embolden legal entrepreneurs.” — Kevin Miller, LegalSifter

The world of law will be forced into modernizing its services, philosophies, and offices.

Lucy Bassli, Co-founder, (super secret) stealth startup

Legal service delivery will be redefined as lawyers find themselves collaborating with clients in different ways. Time is of the essence right now as we grapple with new issues and challenges. Billing endless hours on fairly routine matters is simply no longer an option. The urgency that has been created will set the tone for clients to accept more risk, require less detail and expect more effective means of exchanging information.

The luxuries of practicing law “the way we’ve always done it” are already being tested, as technology is proving to be an absolute requirement to even the most basic sustainability of a legal practice, not to mention future growth. Clients will become hooked on the new ways and demand them. Besides technology, the definition of the law firm office will not look the same. Law firm leaders are witnessing quality service delivery, happy clients and productive employees, all while staff work from their homes (rather than beautiful downtown high-rise offices). Office space is an enormous cost which no doubt is ultimately born by the clients.

In short, I expect to see the rise of the tech-embracing, remote-working attorney, which should drive down costs and increase efficiency. Silver lining, perhaps?

Tech Takes Center Stage

Niche, technology-enabled legal services will become important for law firms and clients.

Tucker Cottingham, Founder and CEO of Lawyaw

The coronavirus has required businesses all around the world to rethink how they will continue to operate in a sustainable, cost-effective way. Law firms are doing the same. Clients are increasingly demanding convenient, affordable legal services that they can access from anywhere, and technology is going to play a critical role in meeting those demands. Law firms will invest time into creating streamlined end-to-end workflows for specific types legal projects. We are already seeing increased demand for Lawyaw’s intelligent document and process automation from estate planning, bankruptcy, housing, family law, immigration and small business firms.

By turning their existing legal documents into intelligent templates, firms can import and auto-populate client information, adjust clauses or sections of a document based on the presence of particular facts, and generate entire document sets seamlessly. We are also seeing increased demand for electronic signatures tools, as well as an emphasis on the ability to keep data in sync across their systems. Moving to technology-enabled niche services will reduce overhead for law firms and provide a better experience for clients.

Winning firms will build top notch IT departments and innovate faster with technology products that drive profitability.

Pieter van der Hoeven, Co-founder and CEO of Clocktimizer

After the financial crisis we saw increasing pressure on the billable hour. Entire markets, and thus legal spend, were under heavy pressure. Clients demanded more granularity and transparency in the way they were billed. I believe the current crisis will force the legal industry to the reassess the billable hour once again.

Firms that used the previous crisis to build a pricing strategy and department will now have an easier time to adapt to value-based pricing. I have always believed that the entire legal industry will be moving towards transparent and predictable pricing. The financial crisis, COVID and other crises are catalysts that speed up that development.

On the other hand, I believe innovation and product development will also be pushed to new heights. In the past 10 days, I have already seen the speed with which firms have rushed to build coronavirus ‘first aid kits’ for businesses. Firms have been forced to use automated document assembly, because the sheer volume of requests from distressed companies could not be handled by simply throwing more associates at it.

Firms will be forced to continuously develop new products to relate to the current zeitgeist. Top notch IT-departments, adoption of cloud technology and other measures and innovations that drive overall law firm profitability will be the driving forces going forward.

The legal industry as a whole will be fast-forwarded to an industry where automation is the norm, knowing that it can be run at a profit, at high quality, and with predictable prices.

Clients are increasingly demanding convenient, affordable legal services that they can access from anywhere, and technology is going to play a critical role in meeting those demands. — Tucker Cottingham, Lawyaw

COVID-19 Will Drive Legal Automation Adoption

Jake Heller, Co-founder and CEO of Casetext

The current state of technology has played a critical role in how businesses have adapted to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak. Companies including our own were able to quickly transition to remote work thanks to the mainstream availability of video conferencing technology like Zoom and communications technology like Slack.

In law, we predict that the technology that will make the biggest impact will be automation. As more and more businesses shut down to keep their employees and communities safe during the COVID-19 outbreak, we slide further toward a recession. In this economic climate, in-house departments will face pressure to keep legal costs low. They will pass that pressure on to their outside counsel.

At the same time, as overall spend on legal services goes down, it will become increasingly competitive for law firms to attract and retain clients. This means that firms can not respond to the pressure to cut costs by putting out inferior work product.

The increasing availability of automation tools will enable outside counsel to maintain (or even improve) the quality of their work product while cutting down on the time and money required to produce it. The firms that adopt automation technology will be better equipped to keep up with the demands of the post-COVID-19 world. Those that don’t may have a more difficult time.

Our take: As GCs, governments, and clients demand more for less, the future will come sooner for legaltech.

Zach Posner, Sam Elhag & Nate Schorr, The LegalTech Fund

Both government and corporate policies are being forced to evolve to meet the changing social and economic landscape. The historical offline ways to interact with the government will rapidly migrate online, including courts, voting, and governance. Corporate policies will immediately adapt to better enable remote working. While policy has stifled innovation in the past, new policies will be tech-centric out of necessity.

Automation and augmentation through artificial intelligence and data analytics platforms will become table stakes for legal teams. Customers will expect that software will automatically generate NDAs or contract annotations, query contract details faster, or reduce similar redundancies. Firms will double down on technology investments as they see how adding customer value improves loyalty. We are already hearing about a dramatic increase in inquiries about these technologies.

Our key takeaway: Keep an eye out on the companies above and the overall legaltech space. It’s about to get interesting!

We would love your comments below, or please visit The LegalTech Fund to learn more about us.

About the companies featured in this article

Aumni is an automated investment analytics platform for the innovation economy. Aumni helps investment leaders make faster and more informed decisions with a complete view of financial, legal and strategic details of every investment.

Casetext is a legal technology company that automates critical elements of litigation, enabling attorneys to efficiently provide high-quality representation.

Clara is a legal operating system that digitizes and automates startup legal expertise.

Clocktimizer’s narrative recognition algorithm helps law firms understand who does what, when, where and at what cost, so firms can make data-driven decisions around budgets, pricing and profitability.

Digitory Legal is a data analytics and cost management platform and service focused on bringing data-driven pricing and cost prediction to law.

Easy Expunctions leverages technology to assure our customers a clear and cost-effective solution to clearing their criminal records.

Fastcase is a leading legal research, analytics, and workflow company.

Hugo Analytics leverages empirical methods and advanced data analytics to improve litigation outcomes.

Ironclad: Designed for in-house legal teams — and everyone who touches contracts — Ironclad is a Digital Contracting Platform that modernizes contracts by accelerating creation, facilitating collaboration, and illuminating critical business data.

Juro: The contract collaboration platform.

Kira Systems’ technology is the most used and trusted software for contract review and analysis, helping the world’s largest corporations and professional service firms uncover relevant information from unstructured contracts and related documents.

LawGeex ensures legal continuity, with automation-powered pre-signature contract review, providing a safety net and reducing risk.

Lawyaw provides intelligent document and process automation for law firms.

LeasePilot is the only cloud-based platform that accelerates and simplifies the drafting, negotiating and abstracting of commercial real estate leases.

LegalSifter: We make contracts easier with AI and expertise.

Paladin’s mission is to increase access to justice through pro bono.

Parley Pro is a modern, (truly!) collaborative, and intuitive contract lifecycle management platform that has pioneered online negotiation technology.

Privva is a single platform to respond to client security assessments and distribute vendor assessments.

Rocket Matter is a cloud-based practice management, time & billing, and payment processing for attorneys.

We want to shout out the incredible investors who are backing these companies and helping them succeed, including 8VC, Aleph, Canvas Ventures, Disruptive Innovation Fund, Draper Associates, Formation 8, Greylock Partners, Insight Partners, LionBird, Naples Technology Ventures, Point Nine Capital, Seedcamp, Sequoia Capital, Service Provider Capital, Squadra Ventures, SVB Financial Group, Union Square Ventures, and Y Combinator.

Disclosure: Aumni, LeasePilot, and Privva have received investment from The LegalTech Fund or its principals.



The LegalTech Fund

The LegalTech Fund strategically invests in companies that are reimagining the world of law.