A Rebuttal

3 min readJan 10, 2015

You know, there are plenty of women who are against feminism. Why are you ignoring us, just so you can lie and pretend that men are some sort of enemy against feminism? I’m a 27-year-old woman (not that my age matters, but I figured I’d mention it anyways), and I think that feminism has become a cult. In order to be a feminist, you have to agree with several fundamental beliefs:

  1. You have to believe that all of the wrongs in the world are due to “the patriarchy.” (This, however, makes no sense, since women are just as capable of doing wrong as men are, yet feminists want to sweep female wrongdoings under the rug.)
  2. You have to believe that rape could be stopped if we just told men not to rape. (This is also nonsensical, since telling rapists not to rape is akin to telling murderers not to murder, which isn’t exactly a smart idea. Also, the large majority of men already know that rape is wrong.)
  3. You have to believe that the wage gap exists, even though it’s been proven that it doesn’t. (Sources can be found here, here, and here. And no, those sources aren’t just charts. But you don’t care about that, do you? You probably won’t even look at those sources.)
  4. You have to believe that all men are somehow more privileged than women. (That, however, is a lie, since men not only have to deal with the draft, they also have to deal with the fact that women can get away with abusing and/or raping them, the fact that men are discriminated against in custody cases, and the fact that they’re held to unrealistic gender-based standards (such as the whole “real men don’t cry” saying) just as much as women are.)
  5. You have to believe that men are the enemy and that they need to either be assimilated into the cult of feminism, or else hated on. (And if a woman chooses to be compassionate to men who aren’t feminists, she, in turn, is hated on as well.)

If a feminist doesn’t abide by every single one of those beliefs, fellow feminists will attack her and try to annoy her/hate on her until she finally gives in and agrees to follow all of them. There is no love in feminism at all. It’s all based on intimidation and hatred, which further proves that it’s a cult.

Now, Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines “cult” as “a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous,” and they define “religious” as “relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.” So, since feminists have beliefs that are regarded by many (and “only one-fifth of Americans identify as feminists,” according to The Huffington Post, so there are plenty of anti-feminists out there) as extreme and dangerous, and since feminism is a faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality, it makes complete sense to say that feminism is a cult.

So, will you own up to the fact that feminism is a cult? Or will you just ignore this, thus proving even further that it’s a cult, since you’re unwilling to question the fundamental beliefs of feminism?




27 years old. College graduate. Social anxiety. Asperger's Syndrome. Depression.