The 8 Most Common Distractions In December And The Best Strategy To Eliminate Them

Keep your focus on your personal development now more than ever!

Lilla Wonders
5 min readNov 15, 2023
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash


Full of jingle bells.

And full of distractions.

This is Part 2 of my December series — preparation for the birth of light. (Feel free to call it Christmas or winter solstice, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the energies and opportunities it brings us to untangle our paths and become the best version of ourselves.)

As a next step, we’re going to talk about distraction.

Have you noticed that December is the most distractive month of the year?

Coincidence? No.

It’s our Shadow sides manifesting in the physical reality. What does this mean? It means that the outside world tries to pull your focus away from where the miracle is about to be born: inside your inner world.

Why? Because the nature of the Shadow is to oppose Consciousness. It doesn’t want you to use this huge opportunity to get conscious of your own soul.

(I have a detailed article about what the Shadow is and how to deal with it if you want to read more on that.)

Your job is to recognize what’s happening and direct your focus back to you.

To be mindful of the distractions this year, let’s go through the most common ones:

1. Consumerism.

The world tries to convince you to consume more products, more content, and more information. Most of them you don’t need.

2. End-of-the-year pressure at work and school.

“We need to close the year well”. We all heard this sentence. In December, pressure at work doubles, or triples for many. It pulls your focus from where it should be more than ever: inside your inner world.

3. Holiday pressure.

Food. Family. Finances. Gifts. Holiday programs. Or the opposite: boredom and lethargy over the lack of holiday programs.

Look, I’m from Eastern Europe. I’ve seen grandmas losing it over being able to serve only 3 different desserts after a four-course Christmas meal. It’s no joke.

4. Relationships. Or the lack of it.

Loneliness when alone. Loneliness when in a relationship. People distracting themselves from the inner world with relationship problems.

5. New year’s pressure.

The pressure of a clean slate. To start the new year “strong”.

Because what can be a stronger start than setting yourself up for failure because you don’t prioritize finding the missing piece within you? Oh, the irony…

6. Christmas “vibing”.

Decorations, lights, visual illusions. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it all. But when the other distractions are present in your reality too much, the sensory overload might add even more stress.

7. News, the suffering in the world.

If you’re an empathetic person, you might be more sensitive to the suffering of others around this time of the year. You wish you could change it all. You wish others could experience a safe, loving home, especially now during the holiday season.

I feel this all the time so I understand. Empathy is a good thing.

But being glued to the horror stories and suffering won’t help anyone. Face your own shadow, reunite with your own light, redeem yourself and you’ll be able to help the world more efficiently.

8. The weather.

I know many of you dislike cold weather and dark evenings. Or the opposite, heatwaves on the other side of the planet. A sudden lukewarm weather has been haunting my country every December after growing up with beautiful white Christmases.

When you’re already exhausted because of all the other things on this list, your body is more likely to be hyper-alert about long dark days and the weather changes.

Solutions for distractions

Juggling between your inner world journey, your obligations, and all the distractions can be hard. But there’s a core point here that solves most of it all at once:

You need to focus on yourself and yourself only.

No, I don’t mean you have to be a selfish person and ditch everyone else. What I mean is that you need to focus on your reality:

Why does something appear in your reality?

Why do you feel a certain way?

How can you connect to your inner world more?

How can you find your center, your Higher Self?

What can you do to manage your ego and your shadow?

What inner programs run in your unconscious and what can you do about them?

At the end of the day, this is all you need.

But here are a few more tips to reduce distractions:

  1. Be smart with events and engagements. Focus on doing less, not more.
  2. Put your needs first now more than ever if you tend to be a people pleaser at work or in your relationships. Practice saying no.
  3. Be mindful about the holiday vibes. Use decoration, lighting, music, food, movies, etc. to relax your mind, not to stress it out further.
  4. Don’t ever try to repress the things that want to come up from your unconscious in the name of “peace and love”. Whatever situation you’re experiencing right now, use it to identify and reflect on your inner programs.
  5. Forget about the calendar new year. The end of December is only the beginning of a slow buildup which will climax around March 20, the real New Year’s Eve. Don’t rush. Don’t pressurize yourself. Chill. Focus on the progression that happens within.
  6. Instead of planning the calendar year ahead, do some self-reflection on both your inner world and outside world goals — where you are, and where you are heading. Always start with the inner world goals, your inner path.
  7. Focus on identifying the main pattern since last March: what did you find out about your true self and your inner world? What identity pieces/inner programs did you break? What’s next? What’s going on for you right now?
  8. Read all my articles and use them to prepare yourself further. (I know, shameless self-promotion. But hey, my articles are good. I believe entirely in their power to change lives.😉)



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: