The Birth Of Light

The most inclusive event of the year.

Lilla Wonders
5 min readNov 9, 2023
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Religious, not religious, spiritual, not spiritual… There’s one common thing in all of us:

We all lost something a long time ago. Something we can’t even put into words but the void lingers throughout our human existence.

During the darkest hour of December 22, light appears to enlighten what we lost. If you’re aware of your center, you can catch it and receive the unconditional love it brings.

This year, I started preparing myself for this moment early — from the beginning of November. I’m writing a series of articles so you can take what feels in alignment with your path (and leave what doesn’t).

First, let’s zoom out of the season to understand the progression of energies.

Illustration: Mandy The Adventurous

Imagine the time between September and December 22 like a river. It flows with its cyclical rhythm. The waves are taking us to this milestone called the winter solstice (and then continue to take us further).

So what happens between summer and December 22?

During spring, we planted the seeds. During summer, we nurtured and grew our garden.

September 23 is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Day and night of equal length. It’s harvest time. We receive and perceive the results of our hard work since the beginning of spring.

Whether you like astrology or think it’s mumbo jumbo, harvest is related to Virgo energy. We go through our crops — what we created in our reality — and analyze the results in a rational, methodical way. What worked, what didn’t work.

Then the days shorten, and the nights grow. Darkness pulls us in more and more. It’s an opportunity to go deeper into the inner world to find the hidden programs behind the experiences we ended up with at the end of the summer.

During October-November (Libra and Scorpio season), it’s time to burn down the programs that created bad crops. Let those identity pieces die and from the ashes, you rise. After that, reprogram your mind to have better experiences next time.

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

December is Sagittarius season. Time to create our new philosophies. We expand our new beliefs and identity pieces to examine how they fit into the big picture: our entire reality and worldview.

The winter solstice is when we reach the deepest part of our inner world. And there in the center, in the sacred silence, light is born.

Light is born on the darkest day. Inside the inner world.

Imagine you walk in the unseen. It gets darker and darker. At the deepest point, you finally surrender. You put your guard down and accept that you can’t see anything. Although you can’t see the light, you know it’s there. So you turn to it and say:

“I know you’re there. Help me see what I’m meant to see and guide me through the dark.”

You can be as specific as you want, asking for guidance and enlightenment. The point is to surrender (put the ego away for a second) and ask. With this small “gesture” you acknowledge the divine wisdom in your inner world and open yourself up for consciousness.

And then it happens.

A small flame flares up. The light of your Higher Self/your Consciousness/your twin soul. Whatever we call it, it’s the divine, fully conscious part of your Self.

It answers. Right there in the deepest part of your inner world.

What does all this mean in everyday language? Let’s give it a try to rationalize this event so we can bring the most out of it!

Photo by amin tn on Unsplash

The awareness of your soul is attached to your human experience. You process your reality with your ego and your brain. Your identity is built from all the little survival programs — either instinctive like your biology or learned like your behavior.

We create our reality from these survival programs, from our unconscious. When we consciously break a program that brought us unwanted experiences, that part of our identity changes.

This way, we have the power to reprogram our minds. And by doing so, we have the power to change our identities.

When we manage to get rid of an old identity piece and “download” a better one, we get closer to our true selves. As that old piece of identity dies, consciousness takes its place.

Our souls remember a little bit more of who they are. Of what they are.

This is the opportunity the winter solstice brings us. It is a sacred moment when we recognize our souls and true unconditional love is being born this way.

These things are often so subtle — but not less beautiful and euphoric — that require mindfulness and self-awareness.

We often can’t rationalize it so we brush it off and go on with our lives. I see this all the time with people. I used to do this too.

“I had this dream last night but it’s just a dream…”

“I had a feeling but I didn’t know what to do with it…”

And so on.

Our Consciousness always talks to us, always trying to show us things, but most of the time we ignore or don’t recognize it.

So I invite you to silence your ego a little more than during the rest of the year. It takes practice. You can make it part of the preparation for the birth of light.

To close this article, I’d like to answer the most commonly asked question:

How can such an important moment be subtle and easy to brush off?

Because unconditional love doesn’t scream out loud.

It doesn’t put on a show.

It just exists.



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: