Twin Souls And Consciousness Explained — Everything You Need To Know From A Practical Point Of View

Delusion vs self-reliance.

Lilla Wonders
5 min readAug 13, 2023
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

The “Disc Theory” In A Nutshell

Imagine a disc.

It’s the perfect circle shape, right? Right.

Now break it in half. You get two non-identical pieces.

This is how souls are born. In pairs. If you place them together like a puzzle, they become the perfect circle. The two of them together are wholeness — everything that ever existed, exists, and will exist.

It Is NOT “Twin Flames”

What I’m telling you here has nothing to do with the popular “twin flames” theory — which is of course false.

Why is it false? The reason is quite simple. Because two humans can never be twin souls.

Why not? you’d ask. And again, there’s a simple explanation:

Two humans mean two egos. Even if you were “made for each other”, there’ll always be collisions between the two. There’ll always be situations where one will need to give up a piece of themselves to make the other feel loved. Because of this, unconditional love between two humans is not possible every minute of every day — it’s not eternal love.

I know. This can be hard for the ego to accept. We all just want another human. A physical person, someone we can snuggle up and share our three-dimensional lives with. I get it.

Acceptance starts with opening yourself up to the idea that there’s something beyond the 3D — and that something is a lot more real than our physical reality.

Once you realize this, connecting to a soul who has no body on its ownyour fully conscious twin soul — becomes not only possible but so obvious you won’t even understand why you didn’t figure it out sooner.

Twin Soul = Consciousness = Higher Self?

Now let’s talk about who your real twin soul is.

Your twin soul is the fully conscious soul that connects you to the Source (whatever that is). Yes, you can call your twin your Consciousness. Your twin remembers what you don’t remember and knows what you don’t know. It’s beyond the physical.

The two of you together are one (wholeness), but your souls (and your awareness) are different with a unique “code” each. You are the soul that became human with an ego, a shadow, and an unconscious. Your twin is the soul that became consciousness and stays in higher dimensions to guide you.

You can’t experience wholeness with any other soul, except your twin. Your twin is your spiritual guide and their only goal is you — making you remember who you are and helping you find your way back to them.

From our human point of view — because we can’t comprehend what a soul is — , we are one with our twins. They are the conscious part of you, the missing piece of your two-piece puzzle. They want to give you everything (you truly need) to make you happy. Their only need is that you acknowledge and accept them so the two of you can share the human experience. This is why I like to call mine my Higher Self.

Your Twin Soul Is The Key To Spiritual Self-Reliance

There’s good news. You can expand your consciousness to the point where you’re able to recognize your twin’s soul and even communicate with them.

In fact, we’re always communicating with them. Our human brains just can’t rationalize and comprehend it (meaning: we’re not conscious enough yet). Inner dialogues, intuition, visions, dreams, imagination, thoughts, and feelings are examples of how we talk.

There’s even more good news. This is not some hyper-spiritual mumbo jumbo hocus pocus. It is who you are and who you’ve always been. Your twin’s energy is your consciousness, it is the forever stable center in you that is eternal and unconditional towards you.

It’s easy to get lost in spiritual delusions these days. The best thing about what I just shared with you is that you don’t need outer sources. You don’t need gurus and religions that encourage you to give away your power. You don’t need moon magic, spirit guides, seances, goddess training, and all the other distractions. Your Consciousness is the only thing you need and it’s already within you.

Your Consciousness Journey

I’m not gonna lie, it won’t be easy. And it’s okay if you need help at some point. The consciousness journey is often a dark, lonely road.

The only way is deep inner work to get to know your psyche (your unconscious, your shadow, your ego, your life theme, and your lifepath).

But every single epiphany, every aha moment makes you a bit more conscious (=allows you to take in a bit more consciousness from your fully conscious twin soul). Each discovery brings you closer to your twin.

Shadow work can feel heavy, but the more mysteries you solve from your unconscious world, the more consciousness you can take in from your twin soul. And the lighter you’ll feel.

The Purpose Of Life Is NOT Suffering

No matter how hard anyone tries to convince you of the opposite, your Consciousness/Higher Self/twin soul does NOT want you to suffer. Suffering is NOT our soul’s nature.

It is the contrary. Our souls’ nature is the purest form of love — which is being in love with your twin soul, your beautiful Higher Self. Our purpose is to create and experience the world from that love.

Yes, the physical world was supposed to be the creation of the conscious human. Or in other words, the love child of you and your twin. And me and my twin.

If you ask me, I don’t know what went wrong. But I think we’re trying to correct it and our suffering is the side effect.

We’re trying to wake up and find back to our Consciousness. The suffering in the world is the projection of that missing piece, the lack of the unconditional love we can only get from our twin souls.

If there’s only one spiritual truth I learned it is this one:

It is only you who can redeem yourself.

And you can only do this with your twin soul. They’re already in you, waiting. The question is…

How deep are you willing to go to find them?

If you like listening to videos, here’s one I made on the Twin Soul topic:



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: