How I plan to become Limitless in 75 days

Documenting the journey towards 100% brain power

Limitless Founder
4 min readApr 9, 2023
Image generated by Stable Diffusion

Ever watched Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper?

The movie revolves around a guy who takes a special drug, NZT48, which skyrockets his brainpower, turning him into a genius (it also slowly kills him but that’s beyond the point). The drug allows him to go from a procrastinating, failing writer to an ultra successful superperformer that dominates everything he touches.

Although NZT48 doesn’t exist in real life, the film highlights a key truth: possessing a powerful brain grants a tremendous edge.

So that’s exactly what I’ll be trying to do in the next 75 days. Make my brain as powerful as possible.

My plan? A simple brain training routine, combined with some significant lifestyle changes and a nutrition/supplement plan optimized to give me energy, clarity, and focus. Here’s my plan.

The plan

General Guidelines

  1. Delete social media (only use Twitter for work and to track progress)
  2. Cut off entertainment (TV, Videogames, Netflix, YouTube)
  3. No alcohol, no parties
  4. Limited social encounters
  5. Phone on DND mode, digital minimalism (work excluded, obviously)

I will essentially be going into light dopamine detox mode. I’ve tried it in the past and the results were astonishing, but I’ve never tested it for such an extended period of time.

Health Goals

  1. Nutritious eats (no sugar/junk food, more protein, nuts, fruits, veggies, dried fruits, meal prep)
  2. 10 min daily exercise (Yoga, Running, Lightweight Training — just want mental & physical benefits)
  3. Cold showers 1–2 times/week

Right now, I’m doing nothing to take care of my body. I’m still fit due to being an athlete my whole life, but I expect the difference of going from totally inactive -> active to be significant.


  1. Athletic Greens
  2. Cod Liver’s Oil
  3. Lion’s Mane
  4. Royal Jelly
  5. L-Theanine + Caffeine
  6. Prescribed Vitamin D, Vitamin B, & Folicinic Acid (cuz I got deficiencies)

Wasn’t really a fun of supplements and I’ve never taken anything that wasn’t prescribed to me. Let’s see if these things make a difference.

Brain Training

  1. FitMind (Mental training app)
  2. Headspace (Meditation app)
  3. Visualization/Hypnosis
  4. Unguided meditation with Endel
  5. Read Limitless by Jim Kwik (and try out the book’s principles)

Possibly the most important part of the challenge.

Meditation is a game-changer and I’ve included both guided and unguided sessions in my schedule.

The FitMind app claims to train your mind and, from what I’ve seen so far, it seems promising.

Visualization is extremely helpful but I sometimes struggle to do it, so hypnosis sessions (similar yet less demanding) might do the trick.

Finally, the Limitless book was specifically written for this concept so it was really a no brainer (no pun intended).



Two reasons:

  1. I’m at a critical point in my businesses right now, and I need to be at my A+ game.
  2. Out of curiosity. Been itching to try this experiment for a while now.

You’re going overboard, pal. Good habits take time, not an overnight overhaul.

Chill, my plan’s simpler than it looks:

  • Supplements alongside meals
  • Brain training is two 45-minute sessions. I’ve been an athlete my whole life, keeping up with workouts ain’t no thing.
  • Nutrition is just getting rid of all the junk and meal prepping. If I get hungry and the only option is to eat healthy, then I’ll eat healthy.
  • The workout is will be the first thing I’ll do when I get out of bed, so it’s done before my day has even started.
  • The rest are things I should NOT do.

No mental energy wasted. Plus, I’ll be in dopamine detox mode (a.k.a. bored as hell, so I’ll actually like doing these things).

So you’re just going to become a hermit for the next 2.5 months? Lockdowns weren’t enough for you?

Nah, I’ll still see friends & family and do in-person meetings. Just shifting gears from partying & distractions to focusing on what matters. It’s 2.5 months, not a lifetime.

Supplement X? Really? Supplement Y is way better, more eco-friendly, cheaper, and also does your laundry.

Look, I’m no biohacker. I know people get passionate about this stuff but it’s just an experiment. My list ain’t perfect, but it’s a massive upgrade from my old habits. I’m sticking with it.

How are you documenting this?

One update every week, each Sunday. Updates on my Twitter.

You won’t keep up.

We’ll see about that.


Here’s my plan, in 4 simple steps:

  1. Create a healthy environment.
  2. Limit my options to work and staring at an empty wall.
  3. Add boosters like supplements and mental training.
  4. Become superhuman.

