The Shard: What it is like at the top of London’s tallest building - And how to get the same view for free!

1 min readJul 5, 2019


At 309.6 m (1016 ft) high The Shard is tall — the tallest building in the European Union. Standing at the bottom looking up you get an idea of just how tall, but it is only once you are perched 72 floors and 244 m (801 ft) above street level and look at up (yes — you read that right ‘up’ not ‘down’) that you get the full acrophobia-inducing feeling of just how tall the Shard really is. The observation deck is partially open to the air — enough to be able to look through the steel and glass superstructure and see nothing but sky. I defy anyone to stand there, look up and not succumb to a touch of vertigo.


