On the tongue // reflection on the unique power of words

The Listening Mercy Journal
4 min readDec 15, 2023


One of the most unqiue qualities and blessings given to mankind after intellect, is the ability to communicate. Language. Dialects. Words. Tones. The tongue. The ability to express. Think about where would we be had we not learnt to communicate or express ourselves? You’d certainly not be reading this for sure.

But this small organ that sits inside our mouth, has the power to make-break the world. It must be used wisely. In todays day and age, one of the most common problems we hear and the most common courses to be on learning and one of the most appreciated trait on the resume, is communication. We’re taught how to communicate properly, clearly, emotionally, verbally, non-verbally.

But in Islam, we are taught mostly to safeguard our tongue. GUARD IT. But from what? The evils on the tongue are numerous, be it slander, backbiting, fault-finding, gossiping, mocking, defaming, insulting, cursing, and even idle talk. An heedless word can turn into an eternal punishment so easily.

There are many of the Prophet Muhammed’s hadiths that emphasize on having a good tongue, remaining silent, engaging in dhikr, of Speaking Good or Remain Silent; The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or remain silent.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

A common arab saying is guard your tongue like you guard your wealth implying how necessary it is to keep that in check. I realized, people will never forget what you say to them and how it made them feel. And one cannot comprehend how deep words can go, cut and affect someone. I watched strangers cry infront of me when repeating the words someone once said to them in their childhood. I watched an old woman who’s about 80ish cry over something that her grandmom said to her about herself while she was 12 years old. Imagine living with that. Carrying that for like 70 years. I watched people ruining and ending relationships over words. Countries go to war over words. People kill themselves because they get bullied. It can also cause a shift in a persons personality, behavior and thinking.

A major part of human grief, the things that are heavy are caused by other people, and not necessarily by what they did but by what they said. They having a saying in Hyderabadi Urdu, Zubaan se ich Jannath aur Jahannum hai, meaning It is known from the tongue, whether it is heaven worthy or hell worthy. The tongue truly gives the taste of someones heart.

Even in the Quraan It’s emphasized, speak to people good words. Musa AS was asked to speak kindly to Firaun. Imagine. Lel, going up to that tryant, the one who crossed every limit, haddh of oppression, zulm and speaking kindly. Being commanded to do so.

“And speak to him [Pharaoh] with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear [Allah].”

Surah Ta-Ha (20:44):

And the impacts of the tongue on other people is what’s more scary. You see, on the day of judgement, you may be forgiven by Allah but if you wronged someone, hurt someone and they haven’t forgiven you, you may be in a jiffy. It is so crucial to know when to speak, when not to speak, when to ignore, when to defend. When someone gossips infront of you, and you don’t do anything to stop it, you share a sin in it. Nothing comes out of our mouth except it is written for us or against us.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Do you know who is bankrupt?” They said, “The one without money or goods is bankrupt.” The Prophet said, “Verily, the bankrupt of my nation are those who come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers, fasting, and charity, but also with insults, slander, consuming wealth, shedding blood, and beating others. The oppressed will each be given from his good deeds. If his good deeds run out before justice is fulfilled, their sins will be cast onto him, and he will be thrown into the Hellfire.” (Sahih Muslim)

Sticks and stones break your bones but words may crush on your soul. What’s the meanest thing someone has told you? That still makes you sad even today. There’s a saying, the tree remembers what the axe forgets, don’t be the axe for others nor yourself on the day of judgement, where our own limbs will be speaking against us.

May Allah forgive us, beautify our words and make it easy for us, make us people of good character, forgiving and dip our tongues in his remembrance.



The Listening Mercy Journal

Reflections on life, walking by faith, seeking mercy here & there.