The Joy of Sharing: Unveiling the Sources of My Happiness

The Lit Guide
2 min readApr 24, 2024

Hey everyone,

Welcome to day three of my 30-day writing challenge! Today, we’re exploring something fundamental — what makes me happy? For someone like me, an ENFJ with a strong personality built around sharing, the answer might surprise you.

It’s true, sharing is a cornerstone of my happiness. There’s an undeniable joy that comes from spreading good vibes, making others smile, and witnessing their own happiness. Maybe it’s a shared laugh with a friend, a thoughtful gift for a loved one, or simply lending a helping hand. Seeing the positive impact on someone else fills my cup in a way that little else can.

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

But happiness for an ENFJ isn’t solely dependent on others. Here are some of the things that bring me pure, unadulterated joy:

  • Sunrises: The first rays of dawn peeking over the horizon — a fresh start, a promise of new possibilities. It’s a quiet, introspective moment that fuels my optimism for the day ahead.
  • My Inner Circle: Three best friends, a close-knit family (including my awesome Sudu Amma!), and Pepper, my furry companion — these are the people who know me best, support me unconditionally, and make life an adventure.
  • The World Unfurling: Sweeping landscapes, the magic of capturing a moment through photography — these ignite my sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.
  • Cozy Comfort: There’s something truly blissful about curling up in a soft jumpsuit, indulging in a good book, or singing my heart out in the shower (hopefully on-key!).
  • Adventures Big and Small: Road trips with the wind in my hair, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore, or a simple camping trip with my special someone — these experiences create lasting memories and fill me with a sense of freedom.
  • Celebrating Others: Birthdays, milestones, small victories — any excuse to celebrate the people I care about brings me immense joy.
  • Tactile Delights: The feel of a well-loved book in my hands, the warmth of a hug from a loved one, the comfort of a soft toy — these small sensory experiences can be surprisingly comforting.
Photo by m s on Unsplash

This list, of course, isn’t exhaustive. Happiness is a multifaceted gem, and these are just some of the facets that bring me joy.

What are the things that make you happy? Do you find your happiness intertwined with others, or are there solitary joys that fuel your spirit? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

See you tomorrow for another story!





The Lit Guide

Panchami: Teacher, learner, writer. Sharing stories, psychology & education tips. Aspiring leader & lifelong learner. Currently a life & education coach..