Types of Running Sports: Different forms to Explore Running!

Amy Morton
2 min readNov 16, 2017


Every runner would agree with the fact that there is a freedom in running that makes you feel alive and invincible! If you are a newbie or a pro at running, you should know about the different types of running sports that bring a newness to running. Running is a way of understanding your body better and there is some magic in running that keeps you hooked to it. Before you start indulging in different types of running, you should know the different types of workouts that help you to become a better runner.

Before you start indulging in different types of running, you should know the different types of workouts that help you to become a better runner. Once you develop the stamina and strengthen your muscles and cardiovascular system, you are ready to opt for different types of running sports. Running different types of races will help you become a better and consistent runner.

And how do you become consistent? Well!

Read on Tips to Become a Consistent Runner

Workouts for Different Types of Running Sports

We have provided different types of workouts that every runner practices.

Running — the best workout

1. Base Running

Boost your running skills with base running! This workout is for a newbie runner. All you need to do is run 3–4 miles at a time with your normal pace. The key is not to go overboard. A regular base run workout will improve your performance, running economy and aerobic strength.

2. Progression running

Slow and steady wins the race with progression running. This workout is a mix of slow and fast running. Start running at a normal pace and then gear up the last mile at a faster speed. Running progression will help you in marathons, races.

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