Local Reach: Revolutionizing Local Advertising

Local Reach
3 min readMay 31, 2023


Local Reach™

Local businesses and restaurants, have you ever wished for a practical, cost-effective way to get your brand out there on the big screen? Your wish is about to come true. Enter Local Reach, the game-changer in the realm of local advertising. Let’s delve into the world of Local Reach and discover how it’s revolutionizing local advertising, making it accessible for everyone.

Local Reach: Advertising for the Community, By the Community

In the heart of our communities, local businesses thrive. They add that unique flavour to the neighbourhood, making it extraordinary. But when it comes to advertising on the grand stage of television, they’re often sidelined by big corporations with deep pockets. This is where Local Reach steps in.

Local Reach offers a platform that uses a patented physical hardware device. It can detect when advertisements are being played on your local restaurant or bar TV, seamlessly switches to local advertisements, and then switches back once the ad break is over. But what does that mean for you? Simply put, it’s a chance to get your brand seen by your local community at a fraction of the traditional TV advertising costs.

For Restaurants: An Opportunity to Monetize Your Reach

If you’re a restaurant owner, you probably wonder how Local Reach fits into your world. It’s simple! Local Reach provides an opportunity for restaurants to monetize their reach. Using Local Reach’s services, you turn your restaurant’s TV screens into a lucrative advertising platform, playing local businesses’ ads during the usual TV ad breaks. Imagine generating additional revenue while supporting other local businesses — that’s what we call a win-win!

For Local Advertisers: Reaching Your Local Audience, Made Easy

For local businesses looking to advertise, Local Reach is a godsend. With Local Reach, you no longer have to compete with big corporations for ad slots. Instead, you can advertise directly to your local audience in a familiar setting — their favourite local restaurant or bar. What’s more, Local Reach makes TV advertising more affordable, levelling the playing field and allowing you to tap into a new, local audience relevant to your business.

The Future Is Local

With its innovative approach, Local Reach is not just changing the game; it’s reshaping the future of advertising. It’s time to embrace this change and make local advertising truly local. By focusing on community-based advertising, Local Reach is not only providing a platform for local businesses and restaurants to thrive but also helping to build stronger communities bonded by local brands they know and love.

Let’s join hands with Local Reach and to revolutionize the world of local advertising.

Unleashing the Power of Collaboration

Local Reach is pioneering a new era of collaboration between local businesses and restaurants. When you advertise through Local Reach, you’re not only gaining brand exposure but also fostering relationships within your community. Interconnected through Local Reach, local businesses and restaurants create a thriving, collaborative ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

Local Reach — Making TV Advertising Accessible

For years, TV advertising has been the realm of large corporations. But Local Reach is democratizing this space. By breaking down the barriers and making TV advertising accessible, Local Reach empowers local businesses to stand tall and be seen. The power of TV advertising, once a distant dream for many local businesses, is now within their reach.

Join the Local Reach Community

Local Reach is more than a platform — it’s a community. A community of passionate restaurant owners and local businesspeople dedicated to supporting and uplifting each other. And the beauty of it? Anyone can join this vibrant community. If you’re a restaurant looking to monetize your reach or a local business aiming to boost your brand visibility, Local Reach is the partner you need.

To sum it up, Local Reach is the answer to the challenges faced by local businesses and restaurants in the realm of advertising. Its innovative solution not only bridges the gap between these two entities but also creates a unique, community-driven advertising platform that is set to revolutionize the advertising landscape. So, what are you waiting for? Step into the future of advertising with Local Reach, and let your brand shine in your community!

Reach out, get noticed, and become integral to the Local Reach community. Because with Local Reach, we’re bringing advertising local where it truly belongs.

