Frequently Asked Questions

5 min readApr 6, 2022


This document aims to answer any questions about the Agora Metaverse project, to learn more, check out our Discord and Twitter page.

The Agora : shopping center Metaverse

What is the Agora ?

The Agora is an immersive virtual shopping center supported by the blockchain. A Metaverse where one can experience a brand new way to shop online whether that be for real objects or digital ones. A first of its kind.

What is in the Agora ?

The Agora will feature clothing shops, furniture stores, art shops, including NFTs and any use case that fits with the Metaverse. It will also feature mini-games & leisure areas like restaurants, bars & clubs for roleplayers and gamers, in order to make your stay as enjoyable as can be.

A demo of the main hall of the Agora is available here : Download Link

What is a metashop ?

A metashop is a shop inside the Agora. It is owned by a brand or an individual that sells digital or material goods. One can become the owner of a store for a monthly subscription fee on our website.

What is Agoraverse ?

Agoraverse is the platform on which you can tailor your metashop before uploading it to the Agora or to your website or socials. After subscribing to Agoraverse, you will get access to the platform and be able to start building your web 3.0 environment.

Why the Agora ?

The Unity Game Engine coupled with the Solana blockchain make a solid duo to make our vision a reality. Users will be able to :

  • Experience amazing shops in 3D - not limited by the laws of physics.
  • Shop digital and material objects
  • Shop online with friends and family
  • Shop anonymously, protect their data
  • Test items on their avatar or in your private space before buying
  • Earn $AGORA tokens while playing

How does it work ?

You will be asked to connect your Solana wallet to enter the Agora. You can buy items with the $AGORA token without leaving the game. If you buy a digital object, the NFT is sent to your wallet. If you buy a real object, the process is similar to a web 2.0 online shop, you fill in your address and you pay in cryptocurrencies, or whatever currency you prefer. A showcase of this process is scheduled for August.

When is the Agora ?

The Agora is ambitious. This concept has yet to be achieved on any blockchain , which is why it takes time to develop. We plan to launch the first version of the Agora in August 2022.

How do I get to a metashop ?

The first metashops are offered to partners to start building a coalition of early adopters. We want to showcase our products and their possibilities before selling anything then build on that to create excitement.

Our craziest dream : the biggest shopping center in the world

The biggest shopping center in the world is Iran mall, with more than 2500 shops. We are aiming to build something bigger to take that title. In order to do so, the final version of the Agora aims at having more than 5000 shops, but filling that amount of spaces with interesting experiences takes years, which is why we will incrementally expand the Agora from 25 to 5000, year after year.

How are we going to get there ?

There are years of work ahead of us, but we are going to take it step by step. We will first create The Agora and The Lofts as our foundation with the funds raised with the sale of our Access Cards. In the meantime, we will launch our $AGORA token with an ICO to raise more funds, add a liquidity pool and solidify our project.

We are determined to make this a reality and have gathered a team of 15 individuals working everyday on development & community management. Time will show that we are here to stay and here to build something great. Together.

The Lofts : Your private space in the Agora

What is The Lofts Business Club ?

The Lofts is a collection of 5555 private flats that are located in the the Agora. The Lofts Business Club is at the heart of the Agora. With a Loft you can :

  • Become a resident of The Agora. Customise your space as you wish so that it resembles you. Turn it into a cool living space, an office, or even your own personal shop. Invite friends, host meetings, events and experience 100% of the Metaverse.
  • Test the objects that you bought inside The Agora, see how they look together, try different wallpapers, floorings and decide whether you should buy them for your real apartment.
  • Turn your private space into a metashop and start selling digital. Make some active income with it. Or some passive income by renting it.

The release of a second version of The Lofts will be in May.

Why it is obvious to hold a Loft Business Club Access Card?

Having an Access card is really advantageous, especially in the long run :

  • You can participate in regular raffles on our staking platform available here : Link
  • You will be able to stake your Access Cards in order to gain $AGORA tokens, coming in May.
  • Holders of Access Cards will have real life value in the form of discounts in the shops inside of the Agora.
  • Card holders will also have cashback on their products in the form of $AGORA
  • Access Card holders are entitled to a private Loft but also private spaces inside the Agora.

If you want to learn more about The Lofts Business Club, please check our whitepaper.

Why did you go from The Lofts Business Club to the Agora ?

Our purpose when creating the Agora and the concept of a web 3.0 shopping center is to create long term viability and strong differentiation among metaverse projects, providing unique value to our community.

This space is very competitive. Moving from The Lofts Business Club to the Agora will create massive benefits for Loft Holders in the long run as well as offering something new for the ecosystem, for online shopping.


What is $AGORA ?

$AGORA is the name of our cryptocurrency, to learn more about its utility and tokenomics, please visit this page : Link

What is an ICO and why ?

An ICO is an event in which a company aims to raise capital by selling a new cryptocurrency. By doing an ICO, we can effectively create a currency that will fuel our Metaverse’s development, expansion and operation.

When does the ICO take place ?

The ICO will take place on the 27th of May, in two rounds. A first private round for Access Card holders and whitelisted wallets, and a second public round.

What can I do with $AGORA before the shopping center releases ?

We are developing the following features for you to spend $AGORA on before the actual shopping center is live :

  • Liquidity Pool, enabling trading of $AGORA.
  • Upgrade system, where you will periodically be able to upgrade Access Card NFTs for $AGORA.
  • Raffle system revamp, where you will be able to purchase tickets with $AGORA to enter raffles.
  • Merchandise store, for real-life products related to the Agoraverse.
  • Future mints organised by our team.

Timeline for release of these features to be confirmed and will be added on the article when known.

Where will the token sale take place ?

The sale will take place on our own website, at the following address : TBA




Introducing the Metaverse to traditional business ventures