Everything You Need To Know About HR1, Democrats’ Anti-Corruption Bill

David Burke
4 min readMar 12, 2019
House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi : Photo by Gage Skidmore

What’s in HR1, what are it’s chances for success, and can it withstand the Supreme Court’s scrutiny?

Last week House Democrats passed HR1, the For the People Act, on a strict party line vote. Here’s what you need to know about the bill’s content, chances of success, and constitutionality.

What does HR1 do?

HR1 contains a variety of provisions in the areas of voting rights, campaign finance, and some provisions that seem squarely aimed at President Trump. On voting rights, the most notable provisions include declaring Election Day a federal holiday, automatic voter registration, two weeks of early voting in every state, and restoring voting rights for people who have served felony sentences.

Campaign finance reform provisions focus on matching funds and disclosure. The bill provides for a matching funds program for federal elections whereby contributions up to $200 would be matched 6 to 1. So for example, a Congressional candidate who received a $100 contribution would receive an additional $600 under the program. Funding would purportedly come from fines on corporations that break campaign finance laws. In addition, the bill would require Super PACs and nonprofits to disclose the identity of donors who contribute $10,000 or more, a provision…



David Burke

aka “The Logical Liberal.” Activist and attorney trying to improve our political system — www.thelogicalliberal.com. Founder of www.citizenstakeaction.org.