NonMonogamyHelp.Com [MOVED]
1 min readSep 9, 2016


Yeah, you didn’t read it.

Because if you did, you’d know that accusing me of being racist against white people is ridiculous. You can’t be racist against white people. That’s not what racism is.

Also, Europeans may be a biiit more informed than American white people about Africa, but they still use the starving trope I’m referencing.

And if you don’t use the trope, then clearly the article isn’t meant for you, which is further evidence you didn’t read it.

And you weren’t polite at all. You’re defensive and defiant and refuse to believe white privilege applies to you just because you’re European.

Where do you think Americans came from? Europeans STARTED the slave trade. Europeans committed horrible atrocities in Africa in an attempt to “civilise” them. Europeans may at least know a bit more about Africa than Americans can sometimes — but that doesn’t make you somehow free of the white privilege which gleaned by Europeans doing what they did in the first place.

Maybe this article is very US-Centric. But, again, the end point of the article is why using these tropes is racist. And it’s not any less racist if European white people do it.

