mom + dad

2 min readJul 28, 2016


on monday night i went out to dinner with my parents who are in denver from eugene, oregon for the week. i love when i get to show them around the city i live in. they wanted to go to dinner and asked me to pick a place. my gluten free and vegan siblings wouldn’t be with us so my dad requested italian. we went to bar dough helmed by max mackissock in the highlands. it was tasty. the fava bean toast and the mezzaluna can absolutely not be missed.

anyways this isn’t a post about fava beans. this is about my parents who at that dinner on monday were celebrating 35 years of marriage (they have been “dating” since they were 16). they were gracious enough to let me third wheel.

i wanted to take a minute and thank them. not only for emotionally and financially (looking at the one still in college) continuing to support me and their three other children, but also for continuing to support each other.

a lot of shit happens in 35 years. they’ve lost parents, money, sleep. they’ve probably gotten actually lost a million times. but i think they would tell you it pales in comparison to what they share. our little dysfunctional modern american family. they are gentle with each other when it counts.

my mother is the most sensitive and kind person i know. she sends care packages and always brings home souvenirs for her loved ones (mom i really didn’t need a non-functional parisian ice scraper just because i live in denver). my dad is a bit more stoic but adventurous. he loves avocados and artichokes, skiing and manual labor. he’s an entrepreneur at heart and has taught me to be independent.

they both brought so much to the table. and i thank them. for setting such a solid example in life and love and dealing with what you are served. so cheers to you mom and dad. you’re amazing.




wandering my way around tech, lifestyle and colorado.