The expansion of Heathrow is bad for the environment, and bad for Londoners

London Assembly
2 min readJul 26, 2019


After decades of deliberations, in 2018, MPs voted to move forward with the expansion of Heathrow Airport. The expansion will add a third runway to the airport, increasing the number of flights and the amount of traffic.

Here’s what that will mean for Londoners:

Increased noise

The World Health Organisation says that average noise levels above 45 decibels are associated with adverse health effects. The UK government has set the level of annoyance at 54 decibels. Analysis conducted by the Transport Select Committee shows 323,684 people would be newly affected by noise that is above the 54dB limit, and even more people are affected by noise due to overflown paths.

Currently, there is no specific limit on noise impacts at Heathrow, and it is left entirely to the airport’s discretion whether to maintain or increase noise impacts, including for reasons of the airport’s own profit margins.

There should be specific, stringent and binding targets for noise reduction, based on lower thresholds of disturbance taking into account the guidelines of the WHO.

Prime Minister Johnson agrees — and we must not let him forget it.

Air pollution

London has a serious issue when it comes to air pollution; the current levels of air pollution have a negative impact for Londoners both in central London and in the surrounding areas. The expansion will not only impact air pollution caused by the increased number of planes but also the increased number of vehicles carrying passengers to and from the airport. There are currently no detailed plans about how Heathrow Airport will encourage people to take more public transport so as to not overburden roads.

The airport has a few plans to help combat the environmental impacts, but they are not enough.

Carbon emissions

Aviation is not currently a part of the UK’s tough greenhouse gas targets to stop extreme climate change, but the expansion will significantly contribute to carbon emissions. In fact, Heathrow expansion has factored in a 40% increase in emissions by 2030.

Heathrow expansion fundamentally goes against the UK’s commitment to cut carbon emissions and improve air quality in the capital.

In light of the increasing evidence of a climate emergency, we call on the Government to cancel Heathrow expansion plans before more money is spent and more damage is done.

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