Thyroid Hormone Replacement Drugs: A Brief Insight About NDT

Thelongevity specialists
2 min readJan 17, 2018


Clearly, the popularity of NDT or Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) shot up only after the 90s. Earlier, the patients suffering from Thyroid disorders were prescribed synthetic thyroid drugs or levothyroxine. However, it wasn’t effective and patients weren’t satisfied. This, eventually, led to the increase in demand of NDT. As a result, some of the doctors contested the claims of effectiveness. There was a huge controversy that refused to die down easily until a study discovered the NDT medication as a safe and preferable alternative.

For treating their hypothyroidism, patients can buy Natural Desiccated Thyroid, but only after a holistic physician prescribes the same. In fact, it’s vital that patients consult a practitioner who has been prescribing NDT and managing the patients consuming them. Quite a number of people don’t follow these instructions, which is totally wrong. Doctoral recommendations come only after a thorough diagnosis of a patient’s case. Moreover, the prescriptions might differ in each case.

Why prefer natural thyroid supplements?

Aging-related thyroid decline compels many people to find better solutions. At this critical juncture, they find it difficult to choose between synthetic and natural thyroid supplements. Typically, the synthetic ones would only contain one thyroid hormone, whereas natural ones have a full spectrum of thyroid hormones. Moreover, the conversion rates of NDT are impressive.

You can search for ERFA thyroid 1 Grain, ½ Grain or 2 Grain tablets online and purchase them at low prices on Visit the website to extract more information about Thyroid-related medicines.

