When Your Soulmate Is Married

3 min readNov 30, 2016


That’s a tricky one. When you’ve met your soul mate, only to find out they are already married, you can feel taken back by it. After all, why would your soul mate be married to someone else anyway? Aren’t the two of you meant to be together? What do you do now? Do you try to break up the marriage or do you just walk away? Guidance may be helpful in these times, when you’re unsure of the course of action you’re going to take. You know your heart wants to pursue. Push. Your heart wants to set off those sparks and watch the love unravel. Of course it does. But your mind is telling you a whole variety of other things, like to walk away.

It’s hard to know exactly what to do when you meet a married soul mate.

Your course of action might depend largely on the reason they are married in the first place. You may ask how that matters.

If your soul mate feels they have found their soul mate in their partner, then you don’t have emotional leverage. They are happy. You don’t want to interfere with that out of selfish reasons, such as your own happiness. If your soul mate is truly happy, you are best to walk away from the potential love. You may choose to try and build a friendship, but if you’re pained by watching them together, it’s best to simply walk away.

However, despite what we’d all like to believe, many marriages are not a product of love. They are a product of comfort. A person has met someone they feel they can spend the rest of their life with. They intend to, at least. But then, someone else comes along. Someone special. A soul mate. Which makes them question if they made the right choice to marry, instead of wait.

Many don’t believe they will ever find a soul mate, simply choosing to settle.

These relationships are a little more complicated. Your heart will likely push you to break up the marriage, because you know that your soul mate would be happier with you. This is not a generalization, however. Each relationship is individual and the people involved have their own emotional complexities. You have to know what you’re getting into before hand.

It’s hard to know what is the right choice in situations like these. It really is. There’s no magical solution or easy fix. It’s a dilemma. At the end of the day, you have to follow your heart and soul. When your brain is telling you to step back and your heart is telling you to push forward, listen to your heart. Our brains tend to push us in logical directions. Our heart pushes us towards what will make us the happiest.

But, I want to stress my own lack of support for affairs.

I believe in honesty. That if you and your soul mate want to pursue the relationship, the married partner should know it’s going to happen. They can choose their own opinion from there. Divorce, or a separation. Maybe they are comfortable with it, having someone else on the side themselves. But honesty is important, because your soul can’t sleep on a bed of lies.




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