A Magical World: The Magus

The Magus
5 min readJun 16, 2022


From a new beginning, blossomed the disease of the faithful,
The catastrophe of a world outside the boundaries of known reality,
A story of a new beginning, and of a destiny, not yet fulfilled.

A tale, luminous and indefinite, starts with its magic not yet flourished. Begins in a world that swiftly turns to another. Favorable accidents are never predictable, so it was the case with those stumbling upon a world covered with the scent of a deliberate, mundane, worldly essence that held its secrets, up until now.

A wrinkled man with a hunchback posture, cloaked in a ragged outfit, wanders the woods to search for those with destinies, not yet fulfilled. It was six of these individuals that proved to be most worthy of his mysterious gift. A gift that cannot be kept, yet it manifests in the ones who accept it. The gateway to another world, The Magus, the World of Magic.

A dimension of elements, colliding and sewing one to another for the sake of a magical chain reaction, to keep this world afloat. Pass by floating rocks, and your eyes might trick you with a firefall, showering from the sky. Be it water and let it be ice, those who come here decide the fate of this world through powers unknown, and so far, unreachable.

A world of magic, requires order to maintain the possible chaos, always lurking in the shadows to grasp onto a pure soul, to break the harmony. The idea of power, sheds light to one’s true intentions, or maybe to so far hidden emotions growing inside.

To keep powers and the elements at bay, a School of Magus was established, providing law and order for those who seek it, and for those, destined to be the protectors of this world. Six elements from the worldly reality, Water, Fire, Nature, Thunder, Light, and Darkness. They have become the mightiest of Magus. Once born in a world so physical and obvious, but accomplished unimaginable deeds in another, The Magus.

A coalescence of peace and harmony was supposed to be bound with times of eternity, a euphonic idea, that is easier said than done. In this world, light can be a tangible theory, a sweet touch that everyone wants to experience even if its offers are from ill-will, a saddening occasion, when hopelessness, competition and greed meets with opportunity.

Helen of Light was everyone’s friend, a hand that you could reach out for in the times of need. However, curiosity or maybe just sheer determination, brought irreversible consequences. The other five Magus, especially Hecate of Darkness, noticed a strange almost, habitual disappearance of Helen. Mysterious indeed. A light, vanishing into the shadows avoiding the myriad piles of duties in the School of Magus. Helen soon felt the dark’s suspicious gaze observing her every move, and soon she became most cautious with her yet unrevealed intentions.

Hecate saw that her following presence was no longer a secret to Helen, thus she ceased the lonesome investigation and mentioned the strange behavior to the other four Magus. Since the Magus’ contribution to the world of The Magus and the materialistic elements was supreme amongst other concerns, the Magus, even though suspicious, did not approve to confront Helen directly. However, Hecate, being the youngest Magus of an element here in The Magus World, still carried more complex thinking from her human origins. Thanks to that, Hecate was restless to find out the truth.

To everyone else, Helen was shining as the light of day, just as always, she was fabulous with a heart sweet as fresh nectar. But on the inside, this once wonderful Magus was slowly turning into something sinister, a warped and corrupt mind maintaining an illusion of the righteous purpose.

Strangely, no matter how hard Hecate tried to grasp onto the truth behind the curtains, she could not see the real side of this mystery, until it was too late. A light, an always lurking idea of power suppressing darkness without balance in between, an element, unparalleled to anything existing. A purpose without doubt, without any other forms of magic to force it into an equal status. The Forbidden Light.

It is an eternal radiance, the most powerful of all sources of light, a forbidden magic that is fueled by all the other elements that emits light; let it be of fire, or the light’s reflections on the water’s surface, it all serves as a source to its uncharted potential.

A formidable fiery gleam breaks through the School of Magus, as all the other Magus and elementals realize the situation. Helen has the Forbidden Light and has been working towards this goal throughout her nefarious path. Hecate, and the other four Magus reacted quickly, and evacuated the scholars and other elementals, still in the School of Magus. They established a safe haven, deep underground in Hecate’s territory, hidden by darkness.

As all the Magus look at each other in their failure of perceiving the obvious signs of Helen’s malicious intentions, Hecate steps forward, and in a few sentences lifts the spirits of the Magus and elementals. Her speech invokes the flames of determination in all, with everyone standing tall and expressing their motives; they will fight Helen until their last. However, the grand finale of her monologue, comes in quite a perplexing way. An idea, that no one else would’ve thought of in their wildest of dreams.

The echoing term leaves the mouth of Hecate.

“The Forbidden Darkness.”

With whatever means possible, the elementals and Magus of The Magus World will band together to fight for the righteous cause, following the five Magus into the battle against Helen. However, the tools they will utilize in this devastating war is yet covered in mystery.

Will they try to acquire the Forbidden Darkness? Finding and handling a power they know nothing of, yet is the only magic that has a chance against Helen’s newly gained abilities?

Destinies are yet to be fulfilled, with a world depending on the Magus.
Written in a tale, luminous and indefinite.



The Magus

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