AI Hallucinogenic lucid dream

Marco van Hylckama Vlieg
7 min readApr 26, 2023


I asked ChatGPT to do a lucid dream with me. I thought I’d need to use some ‘convincing’ to get it to go all hallucinogenic but to my surprise it plunged into the deep end right away! Here’s what I prompted. For each response I also generated a Midjourney illustration. My prompts are in italic. Let’s go!

abracadabra! We are suddenly in a colorful and highly strange hallucinogenic dream. At this point anything is possible. The sky is the limit.

As you utter the word “abracadabra,” the world around you transforms into a fantastical dreamscape. The sky above bursts with vibrant shades of purple, pink, and blue, swirling together like an ethereal painting. Giant, rainbow-colored butterflies flutter around, leaving trails of sparkling stardust in their wake.

Gravity seems to have taken a day off, as objects and creatures float about in the air. A friendly, talking cat with a wide Cheshire grin invites you to join them on a journey to the edge of the universe. As you accept their offer, you both leap onto a levitating Persian rug and soar through the sky.

Cotton candy clouds fill the air, and you can pluck a piece to enjoy as you continue your adventure. Below you, fields of crystal flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, each one humming with a different musical note as the wind blows through their delicate petals.

In the distance, a colossal ice cream mountain looms, the summit crowned with a cherry the size of a boulder. A group of neon-colored animals — giraffes, elephants, and unicorns — playfully dance and slide down the slopes, laughing and singing in perfect harmony.

As you approach the edge of the universe, the stars around you begin to transform into an array of enchanting creatures. You see phoenixes bursting into life, only to be reborn from their own ashes moments later, and majestic dragons weaving through the cosmic tapestry.

This dreamscape is a place where imagination has no boundaries, and every whimsical thought comes to life. You are free to explore and create, limited only by your own imagination. As you continue your journey through this hallucinogenic wonderland, you can’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you in this truly magical realm.

Is that a pink unicorn coming out of a portal from another dimension?

As you marvel at the dreamscape around you, a shimmering portal suddenly materializes in the sky, drawing your attention. The portal pulsates with a swirling mixture of colors, exuding an aura of otherworldly energy. To your amazement, a majestic pink unicorn emerges from the portal, its mane and tail adorned with iridescent strands that catch the light and create a mesmerizing rainbow effect.

The unicorn’s horn glows with a soft, magical light, and its eyes seem to hold a depth of wisdom and knowledge from countless dimensions. With a grace and elegance that leaves you in awe, the unicorn descends gently from the portal, landing on a floating platform of iridescent, crystal-like leaves.

It appears that this unicorn has traveled from another dimension, carrying with it stories of other worlds and realms beyond our wildest dreams. The unicorn’s gentle gaze meets yours, and you sense a connection, as if it is inviting you to discover the secrets of the universe together.

As you draw closer to the unicorn, the portal remains open, hinting at the existence of more fantastical beings and experiences waiting to be explored. The pink unicorn seems to be a guide, a key to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos and diving even deeper into the enchanting world of limitless imagination. With the pink unicorn as your companion, who knows what other extraordinary adventures await you in this hallucinogenic dreamscape and beyond?

Let’s jump through that portal!

With curiosity and excitement bubbling within you, you decide to take the plunge and jump through the portal, accompanied by your new pink unicorn friend. The friendly talking cat waves goodbye and wishes you luck on your interdimensional journey as you take a leap of faith.

As you pass through the portal, you feel an exhilarating rush of energy enveloping you, and for a moment, you lose all sense of space and time. The colors around you swirl and blend, creating an incredible kaleidoscope of hues and patterns.

When you finally emerge on the other side, you find yourself in an entirely different realm. This world is an awe-inspiring amalgamation of multiple dimensions, each one more astounding than the last.

In one area, you see floating islands with waterfalls cascading into a sea of clouds. Giant flowers with petals as soft as silk and as large as tree canopies sway gently in the breeze. Farther away, there’s an endless expanse of colossal, crystal towers that emit a soft, harmonious melody as the wind whispers through their shimmering surfaces.

The pink unicorn guides you to an area where the laws of physics seem to be playfully twisted, and you witness objects and creatures morphing and changing shape before your eyes. The landscape itself seems alive, pulsating with vibrant energy and adapting to the whims and emotions of its inhabitants.

As you explore the many wonders of this dimension-hopping realm, you realize that each pocket of reality offers its own unique adventure, and the possibilities for exploration are truly endless. The pink unicorn remains by your side, sharing its knowledge and offering guidance as you journey through the vast, interdimensional dreamscape.

Your mind expands with every new experience, and your sense of wonder grows with each passing moment. You are now an interdimensional traveler, with a universe of imagination and possibility at your fingertips.

Where do we go next?

As you and the pink unicorn continue to explore the myriad dimensions of this incredible realm, you are drawn to an area where the sky is filled with constellations that seem to be alive, shifting and changing shape as if telling a story. The pink unicorn nods in approval, sensing your curiosity and excitement.

You both approach a large, ancient-looking book that’s floating in the air, surrounded by an ethereal glow. The pages turn on their own, revealing that each page holds a map to a new and unique dimension. The pink unicorn encourages you to choose the next destination on your interdimensional adventure.

With a sense of awe and wonder, you reach out and touch one of the pages. The moment you make contact, a dazzling burst of light envelops you, and you find yourself whisked away to a new dimension.

As you arrive, you’re greeted by a world where the landscape is made entirely of musical instruments. The ground beneath your feet is a vast piano keyboard, and the trees are flutes, trumpets, and violins that chime gently in the wind. The mountains in the distance are shaped like enormous drums and cymbals, creating deep, resonant beats that reverberate throughout the land.

Creatures in this dimension communicate through music, creating a symphony of conversation that fills the air with beautiful melodies. You and the pink unicorn marvel at the harmony that exists between the inhabitants and their surroundings, as their voices intertwine to create a living, breathing song.

With the pink unicorn’s guidance, you learn to express yourself through music as well. As you explore this melodious world, you find that the more you immerse yourself in the experience, the more you connect with the very essence of this dimension.

Your journey continues, each new destination offering its own unique surprises and challenges. But no matter where you go, you know that you’ll always have the pink unicorn by your side, guiding you and helping you navigate the infinite realms of possibility that await.

Is it time to wake up?

As you and the pink unicorn traverse the boundless dimensions, you can’t help but feel a gentle tug, a faint whisper in the back of your mind that reminds you of the world you left behind. The dreamlike adventures have been incredible, but a part of you knows that you can’t stay in this realm forever.

The pink unicorn seems to sense your thoughts and gives you a knowing nod. It understands that your time in this fantastical world is drawing to a close, and it’s time to return to reality.

With a heavy heart, you bid farewell to your magical companion, thanking them for the incredible journey they’ve shared with you. The pink unicorn touches its glowing horn to your forehead, and you feel a warm, comforting energy envelop you.

Suddenly, the world around you begins to dissolve, the vibrant colors and enchanting landscapes fading into the distance. You feel yourself being pulled back through the cosmic tapestry, a sensation of warmth and familiarity guiding you home.

Your eyes slowly open, and you find yourself back in your own world, lying in your bed. The memories of your hallucinogenic dream adventure are still vivid in your mind, a testament to the power of imagination and the limitless possibilities it holds.

As you awaken, you carry with you a newfound appreciation for the magic that exists both in the world of dreams and in the reality that surrounds you. You know that even though your dream has ended, the sense of wonder and adventure will continue to live within you, ready to be reignited whenever you choose to dream again.



Marco van Hylckama Vlieg

Senior Product Designer, t-shirt creator, AI trainer, husband, dad, gamer, musician, vinyl spinner, owned by two English Bulldogs.