Trump 2024 — A dystopian nightmare

Marco van Hylckama Vlieg
17 min readJun 14, 2023

A speculative fiction exploration using ChatGPT 4. Images created with Midjourney.

The year was 2024, and the world looked on as one of the most high-profile court cases in American history unfolded: The United States v. Donald J. Trump. The former President, private citizen once again, faced charges of treason, espionage act violations, seditious conspiracy, and attempting to violently overthrow the United States government. The evidence seemed damning — a mountain of documents, secret recordings, financial transactions, witnesses ready to testify — all pointing towards the same conclusion.

But this was not an ordinary defendant. This was Donald Trump, a man who had ascended to the heights of power, known for his unconventional tactics and his uncanny ability to evade and counterattack. His legal team, a Who’s Who of the most relentless defense attorneys money could buy, launched an aggressive defense, muddying the waters, questioning the credibility of witnesses, and pushing back against every piece of evidence. The jury, made up of average citizens, seemed overwhelmed and divided.

Donald Trump on trial in a court room.

Meanwhile, something extraordinary was happening in the Republican Party. There was a struggle for control, an internal war between those who wished to distance themselves from the Trump era and those who remained fiercely loyal to the former President. Trump, despite being a defendant in a high-stakes court case, still held enormous influence over a significant faction of the party.

And so, with a nation watching in disbelief, the impossible happened: Donald Trump was nominated to be the Republican presidential candidate, even as he stood trial. It was an audacious, unprecedented move, signaling a divide in the party between those still under Trump’s spell and those wishing to move forward.

As the court case progressed, so did the election campaign. Trump’s lawyers kept the trial locked in a stalemate, arguing procedural points and questioning the constitutionality of the charges. The court was mired in legal argumentation, and the jury, pulled in all directions, struggled to reach a verdict.

At the same time, Trump’s campaign, against all odds, was gaining momentum. His message resonated with a base that felt marginalized and ignored. Trump’s narrative of a ‘deep state’ conspiracy against him, combined with his promise to “clean up Washington”, found fertile ground. The more the media and his opponents criticized him, the more his base seemed to rally.

Then, just weeks before the election, the unexpected happened. The jury, after weeks of deliberation, found Trump guilty on some, but not all, charges. However, a twist of fate, or perhaps well-calculated moves, made sure the conviction didn’t hold. An alternate juror, on coming forward, alleged misconduct amongst other jurors, creating reasonable doubt and a mistrial was declared. The court case would have to start anew.

This unexpected turn of events played directly into Trump’s narrative of being a victim of the system. The news, rather than discrediting him, seemingly strengthened his support, and the wave carried him to an electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Trump had won. Amid a torrent of court cases and public disapproval, he had secured the presidency again, this time against a sitting President. Despite losing the popular vote by a staggering 10 million votes, the electoral college had given him a second chance. Now, only time would tell if the United States could survive another four years under Trump, and what conspiracies and forces might reveal themselves in this tumultuous political climate.

Thousands of rabid Trump supporters gather in Washington DC to celebrate Trump’s victory.

As the news of Trump’s victory broke, a palpable shockwave surged through the nation and the world. This was not just another election result; it was an unprecedented episode in the annals of American history. A man once convicted, now cleared on a technicality, had returned to the highest office in the land. The country held its collective breath, uncertain of what the future held.

The media was in a frenzy. Pundits across every network sat in stupefied disbelief as the electoral map turned definitively red. The New York Times called it “An Unfathomable Return,” while Fox News lauded it as the “Triumph of the Century.” Social media was ablaze with hot takes, theories, and raw emotion pouring out from all corners of the country.

President Biden, sitting solemnly in the Oval Office, received the news with a sense of foreboding. His weary eyes stared at the television screen, reflecting the colors of the electoral map. He had served his country for decades, always striving for unity and progress, but this development was something he had never anticipated. He felt a heaviness settle in his heart, but he knew he had to address the nation — to offer words of assurance and a peaceful transition of power, even as he grappled with the implications of the result.

Outside, on the streets of America, reactions were mixed and extreme. Some parts of the country exploded in jubilation, celebrating Trump’s victory as a blow against a system they felt had let them down. Fireworks lit up the sky in rural towns and cities that formed the heartland of Trump’s America. Massive caravans of Trump supporters took to the highways, flags fluttering, horns blaring, in a show of triumphant solidarity.

But in other parts, there was despair and shock. In liberal strongholds like New York City, San Francisco, and Chicago, the atmosphere was somber. People stood huddled around TV screens in bars and homes, shaking their heads in disbelief. Protests erupted on the streets, with crowds chanting, “Not my President!” A pall of uncertainty and fear hung over these regions, a feeling of impending dread about what the next four years might bring.

The mood is grim in a San Francisco bar.

Across the Atlantic, the international community watched with bated breath. World leaders stayed up through the night, tracking the election results, each tick of the electoral tally echoing like a time bomb. In European capitals, there was a sense of disappointment, even alarm. The Trump years had strained many alliances and relationships; his return to power promised more unpredictability in an already unstable world.

Meanwhile, in Russia and China, there seemed to be an air of restrained satisfaction. Would a second Trump term mean a further weakening of American influence on the world stage, opening up opportunities for their own strategic advancements?

The entire globe seemed to hold its breath, caught in the grip of an unpredictable storm. A divisive figure had made a shocking return, against all odds. America, and the world, would have to wait and see what consequences this election would have. The real story, it seemed, was only just beginning.

A stark winter chill and a pervasive sense of foreboding hung over Washington, D.C., as Donald J. Trump was once more inaugurated as President of the United States. Amid the crowd, fervent supporters and irate protesters clashed in a dramatic reflection of the nation’s divide.

Sworn in with his hand on a Bible, Trump’s unwavering voice echoed through the icy air, a promise of a brutal restoration of what he termed “American greatness.” The inaugural parade and balls that followed were grand and theatrical, marked by a mix of celebration and unease.

Trump’s return to the Oval Office was swift and aggressive. With a vengeful determination, he began a chilling campaign of retribution against his perceived enemies. High-ranking officials who had shown less than absolute loyalty were dismissed without ceremony, replaced by unflinching allies.

Donald Trump back in the Oval Office. Sinister image.

The legal and political establishments were shaken when Trump moved against the juror who had instigated his mistrial. Accused of espionage and treason, she was arrested in a public spectacle, her life thrown into disarray and becoming an unnerving example to others.

In a series of moves that defied democratic norms, Trump turned on his most prominent political adversaries. He utilized the Justice Department as a weapon, launching investigations against those who had criticized him in the past. Those in Congress who had opposed him were publicly singled out, and investigations were launched into their activities, their personal lives dissected and displayed for all to see.

The most shocking and grim escalation of Trump’s revenge campaign came when he decided to prosecute his adversaries in a most public and severe way. High-profile political figures, including key players from the Biden administration, were arrested on questionable charges, their trials expedited in a manner that reeked of authoritarianism.

In a move that shocked the world, Trump broadcast these trials nationally. The spectacle was akin to a dystopian reality show, a terrifying mix of politics and entertainment that gripped the nation. The highest point of this horrifying spectacle came when some of these figures were found guilty on dubious charges of treason. The sentence — death.

Sham trials are held for Trump’s political adversaries. It’s revenge time.

In a shocking turn of events that will forever mark this era, some of these executions were carried out publicly, broadcast live on national television. The scene was horrifying, with the condemned meeting their end in silence, their last moments exploited for a chilling demonstration of power. The event left a dark shadow over the country, a chilling reminder of the brutality of the new administration.

The democratic ideals that America held dear seemed to teeter on the brink, replaced by a reign marked by vengeance and a disregard for the rule of law. The nation and the world watched, stunned and horrified, realizing that the tumultuous road to Trump’s return to power was just the beginning of an unimaginably chaotic journey.

Under Trump’s second administration, America’s international standing suffered a significant and steady decline. The rule of law seemed to be replaced with the rule of one man, and the world watched in disbelief as democratic norms eroded. Longstanding allies began distancing themselves, disturbed by the chilling turn of events in the United States.

Meanwhile, international adversaries saw an opportunity. Both Russia and China, who had been watching the situation unfold with measured interest, began to exploit the increasing global discomfort with the US leadership for their own strategic gain.

China, growing in economic power and global influence, started positioning itself as a viable alternative to the United States. It expanded its soft power, investing heavily in countries within its sphere of influence. The Belt and Road Initiative, China’s ambitious global infrastructure plan, gained further momentum, pulling in countries that were disillusioned by the unfolding situation in America.

In Russia, Putin seized the opportunity to assert his country’s influence in Eastern Europe. Exploiting the weakened state of NATO under Trump’s administration, Russia intensified its presence in the region. Incidents of cyber-attacks increased, with suspected Russian interference in the domestic affairs of several European countries.

Xi Jinping inspecting servicemen of the PLA

The cohesion of NATO, the military alliance that had helped maintain global peace for over seven decades, began to show signs of fraying. Trump’s lack of commitment to the alliance, combined with his erratic foreign policy, left other member nations uncertain and anxious. The US, once the bulwark of NATO, seemed to be the one undermining it.

Several NATO countries began holding independent dialogues with Russia and China, seeking to shore up their security in the face of the weakening alliance. It was a dramatic shift, indicative of the shifting global dynamics and the waning trust in American leadership.

In the Middle East, America’s wavering stance and domestic preoccupations gave room for both Russia and Iran to expand their influence. Meanwhile, in Asia, North Korea capitalized on the situation by ramping up its nuclear program, taking advantage of the distracted and divided international community.

Kim Jong-Un inspecting a massive nuclear warhead.

The world was changing, shifting under the weight of a new world order. As Trump’s administration continued its internal crackdown, the consequences rippled outward. America’s faltering international standing was creating a void, and opportunistic forces were ready to fill it. The balance of global power was teetering, setting the stage for a world of new alliances, new rivalries, and potential conflicts. The geopolitical chessboard was being rearranged, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Beneath the surface of public life, a clandestine plot was simmering. A coalition of deeply concerned individuals, drawn from the highest echelons of American power — military generals, career diplomats, intelligence officials, even a handful of influential Republicans — had come together in an audacious attempt to save their country. They were patriots, they believed, fighting to restore democracy from the shadows.

Their plan was devised with extreme caution. Secure servers were established, encrypted communications channels opened. Secret meetings were held in the still of the night, in homes hidden behind high walls, their grounds swept for bugs before every discussion.

The plot was a complex dance of political maneuvering and subterfuge. Their objective was to expose Trump’s abuses of power and his administration’s collusion with foreign adversaries. A critical part of their plan was to leak classified documents to the media, documents they believed could lead to his impeachment and removal from office.

As the plot advanced, the conspirators recruited more members, all vetted with meticulous detail to ensure loyalty and commitment to the cause. Among them was a high-ranking official in the Department of Justice — a pivotal piece in their scheme. But as they moved closer to execution, they did not realize that they had made a critical error.

The official they had trusted was in reality loyal to Trump. As the conspirators mobilized, they unknowingly revealed their hand to the administration. The leak was traced, and the plot quickly unraveled.

In a series of overnight raids, the conspirators were rounded up and arrested, their homes raided, their lives upended. Their mugshots were splashed across national television, a stark reminder of the consequences of opposing the administration.

The house of one of the main conspirators gets raided by Trump’s SWAT teams.

In a public spectacle echoing the earlier trials, the conspirators were prosecuted for treason. Trump’s administration painted them as rogue actors seeking to destabilize the country. The trials were swift, the sentences harsh. In another chilling national broadcast, the leading conspirators were executed, the grim spectacle silencing any whispers of dissent that remained.

In the wake of this, the mood within the United States and across the world stage turned increasingly grim. Any semblance of democratic process seemed to be slipping away. Fear replaced debate, silence replaced outcry. The brave attempt to restore democratic norms had only led to a further consolidation of power in Trump’s hands.

Internationally, the spectacle was met with shock and condemnation. Allies turned away in horror, leaving America increasingly isolated. The grim reality was setting in: the beacon of democracy was dimming, consumed by a shadow of fear and oppression. The world watched in silent despair, unsure of what would come next. The future was uncertain, but it was increasingly clear that it would be marked by tumult and strife.

In the aftermath of the foiled coup, Trump acted decisively to consolidate his control over the United States. He used the failed plot as a pretext to further entrench his power, making a dramatic break with the democratic norms that had governed the nation for over two centuries.

He began by launching a widespread campaign of fear and repression, aimed at silencing any remaining opposition. Media outlets critical of his administration were shut down, their assets seized, their journalists arrested. Public protests were met with a harsh and brutal response. Tear gas, rubber bullets, and worse were unleashed on those who dared to take a stand. Scenes reminiscent of autocratic regimes played out on the streets of American cities.

Violent protests and an even more violent police crackdown on the protesters.

The legal and political systems were not spared either. Trump packed the courts with loyalists, turning the judiciary into a tool of his administration. Congress became a rubber-stamp institution, its power to check the executive neutered by fear and intimidation.

However, it was the constitutional amendment that marked the definitive turn towards dictatorship. Introduced under the guise of protecting national security, the amendment extended the term of the president indefinitely and gave the incumbent the right to choose a successor. The debate around it was fierce, but those who dared to speak against it were quickly silenced.

The amendment was put to a vote and, under the watchful eye of the administration, passed. With this, Trump had cemented his power. The United States, once a beacon of democracy, had officially transitioned into a dictatorship, with Trump as its supreme leader.

One of many corrupt judges installed by the Trump regime.

He had achieved what he set out to do, turning a nation built on principles of liberty, justice, and equality into an authoritarian state, bending it to his will through a ruthless campaign of violence and oppression. It was a dark, grim era, with the promise of even darker days ahead.

The spirit of democracy, so integral to the American ethos, seemed to have been extinguished. In its place, an oppressive cloud of fear hung over the nation, casting long, dark shadows over the lives of its citizens. As the world looked on in horror and disbelief, one question echoed in the hearts and minds of all who bore witness: How had the beacon of the free world fallen so far, so fast?

Trump, now a ruthless dictator for life.

The second amendment had always been a cornerstone of Trump’s political persona, a sacred right he had promised never to infringe upon. But now, in the pursuit of absolute power, he reversed course. Trump understood that an armed populace was a potential threat to his authority, and he was swift to act.

In an ironic twist of fate, the man who once defended the Second Amendment now sought its dissolution. He issued an executive order for the confiscation of civilian firearms, an act he claimed was necessary for national security.

Thousands of confiscated firearms.

The ensuing campaign was brutal. Homes were raided in the dead of night, families torn apart as agents combed their properties for firearms. Protests were met with violent suppression, any resistance quashed mercilessly. The only ones exempt from this purge were vetted Trump loyalists, their loyalty earning them the right to bear arms in this new America.

While the nation reeled from this shocking development, another terrifying campaign was being unleashed. Members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and other minorities found themselves targeted by Trump loyalists. Empowered by the administration and its discriminatory rhetoric, these loyalists were ruthlessly brutal.

In grim scenes reminiscent of humanity’s darkest hours, rights were stripped away, identities invalidated, and existence criminalized. Neighborhoods were raided, community centers vandalized, and families torn apart. A brutal spectacle of dominance and fear, carried out in the name of the new order.

Donald Trump, Supreme Leader.

People were rounded up under false pretenses, paraded through the streets in a grotesque display of power. Some were taken to undisclosed locations, their fates a chilling question mark. Pride flags were torn down and burned, a painful symbol of the hatred being sown.

Discrimination, always a dark undercurrent in society, was now officially sanctioned. The administration’s rhetoric gave prejudice a platform, painting minorities as the enemies of this new America. The systemic assault on diversity, tolerance, and acceptance shook the nation to its core, adding to the growing list of atrocities committed under Trump’s regime.

Every element of this campaign was meticulously orchestrated, the violence and persecution intended to intimidate and silence. Amid the chaos and fear, Trump was achieving what he wanted: an America where power was absolute, dissent was silence, and loyalty was the only currency of value. A dark era had truly begun.

The United States had always been a beacon of hope and a symbol of democracy. But under Trump’s regime, the nation was disintegrating from within, its values distorted, and its institutions dismantled. The unchecked aggression and ruthless consolidation of power were straining the union to its breaking point.

The states, once united by a shared purpose and belief in democracy, found themselves on opposing sides of a widening chasm. Blue states, appalled by the direction the nation was taking, began to openly resist the federal government. Governors defied executive orders, citizens protested en masse, and in extreme cases, talks of secession began to stir.

Paramilitary Trump supporters now have free reign to terrorize minorities.

Conversely, red states doubled down on their support for Trump, their loyalty bolstered by the administration’s patronage. The division was stark, the unity that once bound the country together now reduced to fragments of its former self. The divide was more than ideological; it was tearing at the very fabric of the nation, pushing the United States toward the brink of dissolution.

Internationally, the impact was equally profound. Allies distanced themselves, repulsed by the atrocities committed under Trump’s regime. Diplomatic relations frayed, trade agreements crumbled, and America’s standing in global forums plummeted. In the vacuum left by America’s withdrawal from global leadership, adversarial powers were quick to assert their influence, further eroding the United States’ status as a superpower.

As Washington DC burns, a man contemplates the future.

Economically, the country was on a precipice. Sanctions from disapproving nations, combined with internal strife, crippled the economy. The dollar weakened, inflation skyrocketed, and unemployment soared. The economic powerhouse that was the United States was faltering, its prosperity becoming another casualty of the regime.

As these factors converged, the unthinkable became reality: the United States, the union that had withstood civil war and global conflict, was teetering on the edge of collapse. It was more than just a fall from grace; it was the unraveling of a nation, the dissolution of an ideal, and the extinguishing of a beacon of hope that had stood for centuries. The world watched in silent horror, a witness to the end of an era. The fall of the United States was a testament to the fragility of democracy and the dangerous allure of unchecked power.

As the curtain falls on this tale, it is essential to remember that this narrative is a work of fiction, a vision of a future we hope never to witness. However, it is also a stark warning, a chilling reminder of the fragility of democracy and the perilous precipice on which freedom always stands.

Democracy is not a static entity, preserved in time, but a dynamic and delicate construct, shaped by the actions, decisions, and beliefs of its people. It is nourished by the principles of equality, justice, and human rights — principles that we must relentlessly uphold and defend. For complacency in the face of its gradual erosion can lead to a loss so profound that we risk falling into an abyss from which there may be no return.

The story you’ve just read may seem dramatic, even far-fetched, but history has taught us that we are never too far from potential calamity. We are, indeed, always one or two elections away from a seismic shift that could undermine the very foundations of our society.

The statue of liberty.

This tale should not induce fear, but vigilance. It should not cause despair, but inspire action. It is a call to arms for every citizen to take an active role in the protection of democracy — to vote, to engage in open discourse, to challenge injustice, and to stand up for human rights.

It is in the power of the people where true democracy lives. Each one of us has a part to play in this ongoing narrative. Let this story serve as a reminder that our freedoms are precious, won through the sacrifices of those before us, and that they can vanish if not vigilantly guarded.

We must never take for granted the rights and liberties that define our democratic societies. Let us commit to safeguarding them for ourselves and for future generations. Let us ensure that a tale like this remains forever in the realm of fiction. For democracy to survive, we must all be its champions. It is our shared responsibility, our shared legacy, and our shared future.



Marco van Hylckama Vlieg

Senior Product Designer, t-shirt creator, AI trainer, husband, dad, gamer, musician, vinyl spinner, owned by two English Bulldogs.