
Lynking world through Blockchain

5 min readOct 29, 2018


Lynked.World is a blockchain based secure platform for individuals and institutions to own, control and share digitally trusted identity, data and documents.

Lynked.World solves critical problems faced by individuals and organizations in today’s digital world:

  • An absence of a guaranteed secure and trusted identity of each individual and entity
  • No common premise for Trust and Authenticity of data across various use cases
  • Inefficiency and increased costs due to intermediaries involved in processes
  • Inability to provide access to many kinds of services over digital platforms due to the non-secure nature of digital identity and associated data

Interactions over digital platforms flourishing the internet today, however, are not devoid of certain crucial problems when it comes to questions around “trust” and “authenticity” of online identities, documents and data.

Lynked.World Ecosystem

The Lynked.World eco system is a multi-faceted solution comprising of an entire application platform developed from ground up to be able to harness the features of blockchain technologies. Our platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain and comprises of feature rich modules solving real life problems around trust and authenticity of digital identities, documents and data for both consumers and corporates alike.

At Lynked.World we are motivated to contribute to the next version of the digital age (Web 3.0) by building an ecosystem to harness the benefits that decentralized applications built on blockchain platforms provide. Our aim is to provide a multi-faceted solution comprising of an entire application platform based on blockchain.

This will allow businesses to build customized forms and applications to cater to their own specific needs for providing
different services to consumers, without needing to be concerned about the authenticity of the digital identities of the different entities involved and the data and documents shared by these entities. The journey does not end here. We also provide decentralized applications ready to be used by consumers and businesses alike across different domains for addressing issues related to digital data authenticity.

How Lynked.World Work

LYNK Token

The “LYNK” token is an ERC-20 standard token built on the Ethereum platform. It is fractionally divisible, transferable and fungible. LYNK tokens will also be tradeable on cryptocurrency exchanges in due course of time. “LYNK” tokens will be used for transfer of “value” for any services offered and availed of over the Lynked.World application platform.

They act as the medium of compensation for the transfer of “value” between the participants in the ecosystem for performing various transactions, for example, related to the identification and validation of user data and so on.

The token balances and transfers will be tracked by Lynked.World. In the case of any untoward, unforeseen and undesirable incident, such as token theft, contract compromise, or a disrupting change of Ethereum protocol, Lynked.World may opt to freeze token transfers and issue a new token contract with balances replacing that of the original token registry by certain date. In the case of an Ethereum fork, Lynked.World will properly announce which branch it will support.

LYNK Token Usage

“LYNK” tokens will be used as:

  • A medium of exchange of value for services rendered over the Lynked.World platform
  • A medium of incentivising participants in the Lynked.World platform for staking (holding) LYNK tokens

Below are some examples on where “LYNK” tokens will be used in our platform. These examples are by no means an exhaustive list and nor do they elaborate details on each and every use case. However, they should provide a good idea of the token based economy and how the tokens will be used:

  • For transfer of value when availing services for identity verifications
  • For transfer of value when availing services for document/certificate verifications and/or endorsements
  • For hosting services (like applications, registration forms etc.) either within the platform or
    on external platforms using Lynked.World API’s
  • For verification of the authenticity of identity and digital documents received within the platform using our verification services
  • For KYC services
  • For rewarding users participating in community activities
  • For posting jobs on the Lynked.World Job Portal
  • For payment of fee to Lynked.World for using services features such as digital ID cards, attendance registrations etc.

Token sale

Token Issue and Distribution

The total number of LYNK tokens that can ever be issued is 500,000,000 (500 million). The initial issue of tokens will be 200,000,000 (150 million offerred during token sale) of the total available tokens. In order to ensure organic growth of the platform and to make sure that LYNK tokens are generated in a fair and transparent way, new LYNK tokens after the initial issue of 200,000,000 can only be generated from the reserves based on redemption of Lynk Boost Dollars into LYNK (see Lynked.World User Rewards system for more details). This ensures that there is no oversupply of LYNK tokens and they are introduced into the ecosystem only as the adoption of the platform grows with time.
The total amount of tokens which can ONLY be generated based on adoption of the platform via our Community Rewards program is 300,000,000 (300 million). Once the total number of LYNK tokens issued reaches 500,000,000 the company will initiate buyback programs to purchase LYNK tokens from the open market to be able to continue with the “User Rewards System” ensuring continued growth and adoption of the ecosystem.


