Damnnn 2016! You Cray..

Mehak Vohra
4 min readJan 4, 2017


Dammnnn 2016, you cray cray! A few days late, but I can’t officially move forward into the new year without reminiscing about the past one.

I was given the opportunity of a lifetime this year, to leave school and try things on my own. I’ve grown more personally and learned more professionally than I could have ever imagined.

I want to first address my goals from 2016:

#1 More YouTube videos. This is happening. More. 1 video a month is not cutting it for me.

I started my daily vlogs this year. My friends and I grew watthemehak from less than 500 subscribers to almost 1,000 Subscribers! We hit the 100,000 views mark as well being viewed in over 180+ countries. I restarted the daily vlogs before coming home for Christmas, and plan to start those back up in the next day or so.

#2 Design. I want to become better at design. Starting with that. I’m doing a design challenge by myself. One design a week. For this whole year. (EDIT: I had a friend just join me on this. So keep your eyes open for some new stuff here).

My friend bailed on me, and I bailed on myself for this one. With that being said, through Jamocha Media, we designed the branding for an AR company in Palo Alto and re-did my personal website as well as redoing Jamocha Media’s website.

#3 Podcast. Keep on the lookout for that.

I recorded a few podcasts with friends.

I also was featured on a few podcasts this year as well as a radio show in Atlanta.

I also was featured in my first magazine this year as well.

#4 Run 4–6 times a week (depending on my travel schedule).

Running was a huge stress reliever for me this year. This was me running a 5k a few weeks ago!

#5 Travel. I want to go back to SF. I want to go back to NYC. I want go back to Chicago. I’m nowhere near done with them yet.

Didn’t get a chance to spend too much time in Chicago this year, but I got to meetup with clients and friends in NYC in March — and I moved to SF!

#6 One CS project a month. Regardless of what it is, I want to learn more things out of the classroom.

This one was a lot easier than I thought. My job has me writing a lot of python scripts.

We also did an internal launch of Jamocha Media’s client dashboard. Instead of manually sending our clients analytics, they can log in and see everything from our system.

#7 I want to start or join a campaign of some sort.

I wouldn’t call this a campaign, but I help run one of the largest growth marketing communities in San Francisco. I’ve made many friends and met some awesome people that keep me on my toes and help me learn new things every day. (Shoutout to Josh Fechter for starting it.)

If you’re interested in joining you can check us out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/growthmarketers/

#8 I want Jamocha Media to take on a life of its own. We have some awesome things coming up with the company, and it’s exciting to move forward with it.

And that we did! Moving shop out to San Francisco was a hard, but rewarding journey. We now have 6 student developers, and have worked with so many startups this year. We grow more and more as a company every day and I’m excited for what’s ahead this year.

We’ve partnered with some awesome VC Firms like 1517, Array VC and accelerators like Bunker Labs.

I also held a talk for the students at GrowthX and spoke about some growth hacks and what its like to run an agency in San Francisco. One of their students wrote a blog about it that you can check out here.

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This was an exciting year and I’m so incredibly fortunate that I had my friends and family there to support me every step of the way.


