How To Be More Positive and Happy | Positive Thinking

Transformation Begins Now
6 min readOct 18, 2019


How to be more positive and happy
How to Be Positive

Our minds are dynamic creatures created as an emergent phenomenon from our different physical and mental systems and the interacting environment. From this perspective a mindset is defined as a state of mind in the process of action or thought that observes and analyzes its own outcomes.

This is important to know because if we are to master various of states of mind and have the fluency to transition them as we please, then we should understand how they come about.

Your physical and mental systems are you in totality. We will begin with an overall description. Imagine for a moment layers of onion. The outside skin is the one that is rough and tough and interacts with its environment. The second layer just inside of this and is the absorptive and filtering layer, its main purpose to protect the growth layers underneath it. The next layer is where the growth happens and then the last layer is where the onion originated from, it is the primary source of all of its existence.

I know this sounds like a semi-spiritual onion but stay with me here.

The first layer we call the Physical Body. It is the layer that produces actions and change in the existential reality. It is the how the other layers interact and get feedback about their interactions.

The next body is the Emotional Body. This is the absorptive and filtering layer. As the physical body interacts, energy is exchanged. As energy exchanges certain biochemical, bioelectrical reactions occur within the physical body. This is interpreted by the Mind as emotion. Or as we like to say, Energy in Motion — E-Motion.

This is an incredibly important body and it can wreak havoc on an individual if not properly managed.

How to be more positive and happy
Positive Thinking

The next layer is the mental body. This is where your conscious and subconscious minds interact and come together in one fashion. The balance between the two, we define as a mental state. This state is where growth occurs. Its purpose is to analyze its external environment, adapt, overcome and survive.

This is where your habits, behaviors and beliefs live. This is where your mental chatter comes from. This is the automated system that takes over in times of massive distress or danger.

The next and last layer we call the Spiritual Body. Now before all you atheists run away, this is not what you are thinking. We define this body as the center of awareness. It is the director of focus, balance and logic. It has dominion over all other states. It is the body the seeks meaning and purpose. It is the conductor of the thoughts and driver of the vessel. Yet the majority of the people in the world have no idea how to use it.

There is no body that is more important than another. Just like the planetary subsystems that come together in some not yet understood harmony to produce the Milky Way, so do the “4 Interacting Bodies” come together and produce this amazing and brilliant emergent phenomenon known as the “Mind”.

How to be more positive and happy
Personal Development Coach

Everyone exists within a mindset. Whether that mindset is transient and derelict or focused and directed, everybody has one. There are various skill sets and techniques that can be developed to optimize your mind and bring about predictable outcomes.

If you have ever done something you loved. Maybe it is writing. You sit down, the thoughts flow, the fingers produce a rhythmic sound as they slap the keys. Your mind focused and concentrated toward the words used, their interconnectedness and the bringing of the ideas and concepts to life. The next thing you know you are five pages deep and four hours have passed.

Amazed you wonder where the time went. This is a flow state. This is a point where optimization of the four bodies occurs. It is naturally entered and happens usually without intention or desire.

But what if you could enter this state willfully? Would it allow you to perform better at work, in a relationship or maybe at your passion or hobby?

What if you could enter in this state and become hyperaware, to where you are able to identify external triggers, analyze various reactions, and course correct in real-time.

What if you could filter thought streams and suppress negative chatter?

Or maybe you are interested in changing a habit or bad behavior?

how to be more positive in my thinking
Best Life Coach

What we are talking about here is the state of mind that blocks the awareness of pain simply because it has changed it prioritization. Your mindset is a powerful tool and if developed correctly you can dominate the obstacles in your life.

Our minds today are undisciplined and procrastinators. We live in a comfortable state of mind that simply reacts to the environment. This reaction has reduced in risk over the years. Society has developed so much that our environment is controlled to a certain point where the risk of death and the persistent struggle of survival have diminished. We are “lazy minded”.

So how do we willfully change our Mindsets to a more optimized state?

It is simple…

Discipline, consistency, self-awareness and massive action mixed with tons of effort.

You should not be afraid of the word discipline. Discipline is nothing more than persistent focus towards a planned outcome. It is a tool to develop a mindset.

Why is it that anytime you try something new, or you try to change your life you can only maintain the discipline for a few days?

This happens because you still exist in a transient mindset. Discipline requires focus. If your mind is continually being dragged around by various distractions, emotions and living in the world of effect you will never escape into a structured and disciplined life.

How to be more positive and happy
What is a Positive Mental Attitude

To give you a better understanding, discipline is not something you do. Discipline is a result of mental focus in action over a period of time. If you lose your focus you lose your discipline.

I would like to say that society has evolved to bring the best out of the individual. Instead it has arrived at a point where it seeks distract, upsell and make comfortable those who choose to hitch the ride. It bombards us with ambient emotions, constant psychological triggers and an infusion of data overload. It has become the master distractor and bringing of mediocrity.

So how do we begin to “change our minds”? It all starts with a choice. A decision to do something. In the beginning you start slow. You implement positive change into small parts of your life. You stay s consistent with this change. Your watch it reflects its efforts into reality. You observe your life shift towards that which you wish to become every so slightly. This minor change and reflection starts a process within your awareness. It motivates you. It drives you. You begin to implement change in other areas of your mind. This again is reflected positively in your reality.

It is from these small steps that success, wealth, health and prosperity are found. Developed gradually over time as ripples gaining momentum within the ocean of your life.

So to recap. To develop new mindsets we must first understand, identify and become aware of our four body system and the states they are currently in. We then must work to being each one of those systems to a point of optimal performance. To do this, we begin shifting our transient mind towards a mindset drive by results and positive change.

Personal Development Coach | Best Life Coach

Joshua is a Transformational Mindset Coach and Business Consultant. He has over 25 years of study, practice and teaching in Personal Development, Mind and Body Coherence, Leadership Cultivation and Optimal Mindset Development.

